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What comic did you read when you was a kid?

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Twinkle was the first comic I had. I remember getting a real 'diamond' ring as a free gift from one issue and being heartbroken when I lost it.

Bunty, Jackie and ? Robin where my choice later in my childhood.

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My first comics were Dandy and Beano also, occasionally, Film Fun, Radio Fun and Chips. Later, as I grew older, Hotspur, Wizard, Adventure and Rover. Occasionally bought Eagle, Lion, Boys Own and Childrens' Newspaper. All of these were in the 40's and 50's.



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I suppose the equivalent in the boys' comics would have been Alf Tupper "The Tough Of The Track". I think he appeared in the Victor comic in the early 60s.


Alf was a poor, working class bloke (a welder by trade) and a world class runner who couldn't afford to compete with the toffs at the local harriers club who always snubbed him. He trained on fish and chips and ran to the race meets after finishing a welding deadline.




There was a similar chap called Wilson, whose exploits were chronicled in The Wizard. I recall him wearing a homespun one-piece tracksuit.


They ad it ard just after't war, din't they?



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Beano, Dandy, Victor, Hotspur and Boys Own. It wasn't just the heroes in them-Alf Tupper, Wilson and the rest but the free gifts you got with them. I can recall something made of cardboard with brown paper inside-it made a bang when you slammed it.

Simple things....

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Beano, Dandy, Victor, Hotspur and Boys Own. It wasn't just the heroes in them-Alf Tupper, Wilson and the rest but the free gifts you got with them. I can recall something made of cardboard with brown paper inside-it made a bang when you slammed it.

Simple things....


I think it was called a whiz-bang. It was an elongated triangle shape and made a loud bang as it turned itself inside out.


They were often given away with comics in the 40s, 50s and 60s.


Masks were another popular gift.


By gum, we made our amusement in them days! :hihi:

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