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Reignhead(Ellis) Barn Beighton, demolition due

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Yes, as it was, get real it 2010 not 1940 when Beighton was surrounded by farmers fields. Isnt this barn opposite the Fox (aka OK Carrall) , where all the Skets from the flower estate sit outside all day and night whilst letting their kids run amock and at the side of Reignhead (Dog faeces) Field where the local football teams cannot play due to the local residents riding motorbikes and letting their dogs crap everywhere ?


What a lovely area !


The younger inhabitants of Beighton have destroyed Beighton not the planners.


Oh dear!! Back to the business in hand. For those people who are more interested in making a positive future for the Community rather than writing it off, perhaps you will think about supporting a campaign to save the Barn. We will be holding a public meeting in the near future, please look out for details around the village.

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So sad, not much left of the old beighton i know, even well before crystal peaks was built, i walked out of my nanans garden to greenery all around, down to southall was even a nice walk through grassy areas and now theres houses everywhere. Im glad i got to know the area as it was. im sure the back of that farm joined the green belt to my nanans house, also there was a park, i remember trying to get the apples that over hung on this side of the wall. Sad news , when weathers warmer may have a walk, jog a few nice old memories.

Good luck with saving the barn.

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If you want to save it then cough up the cash the developers will make for putting houses on it. If people had stayed away from Beighton, the old airfield would still be there and Chiwoli Farm. Its amazing how folk suddenly get all protectionist over the issue when the live there.

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I really hope they are not going to put houses there, it will ruin the area even more not to mention be an eyesore.

I the last few years i have lived in beighton i have grown quite fond of it even if everyone is related :hihi:

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Three generations of my family have lived in Beighton and I think it would be a shame to lose such a lovely old building, including the farm cottages. The council let them go into disrepair so they could get the tenant out, and now they've got what they wanted !!!!

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