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Reignhead(Ellis) Barn Beighton, demolition due

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have had some great news that I wanted to share with all of you who are showing interest and support in our campaign to save the Barn. English Heritage today confirmed the listing of the Barn,Stable and Granary as Grade II listed. This is the first battle won in what I expect to be a long campaign to ensure the Council give the buildings a new lease of life and return them to the community. Time for a celebration beer I think!!

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That is such great news! Well done, so glad to hear your dedication to this place has been rewarded. :)


Thank you for your nice comments. I have placed a PDF showing English Heritages comments about the structure of the barn and their main reasons for listing it on our website. This can be found at http://www.reignhead.co.uk under 'latest news' if you would like to read it.

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  • 6 months later...

Since the successful listing of the Barn in the spring the council and its officers have been surveying and making the site safe. The demolition of the farm cottages has taken place and a plan for emergency repairs to the barn gable end have been ongoing.


The Friends of Reignhead Barn have met with the council officers and been kept informed of progress.


Councillor Ian Saunders has called a meeting of all people involved in the Barn project in mid December to ensure that progress is made in making the site safe and weather proof. Ideas for the long term sustainability of the building will also be discussed.

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  • 1 year later...

We have just received good news in an e-mail from Sheffield C.C that is long overdue, but the delay was obviously not unexpected in todays financial situation.


"Following a long design & procurement process, I can now confirm the structural repair work to the roof & stone gable at Reignhead Farm Barn are due to commence on Mon 9th July 2012 and if all goes to plan, should be completed by September 2012 [weather permitting].


I will provide a copy of the design drawings to A.F. on site at the depot for him to pin-up in the messroom for display."


I have set up a page on Face Book http://www.facebook.com/ReignheadBarn if you would help the cause by LIKING our campaign.

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I am guessing you just have a bad sense of humour. Beighton was a picturesque rural village before the planners decided to turn it into part of the out of control development that is the Mosborough townships. Reignhead Farm Barn is a great example of the heritage that the village of Beighton has. Many people have great memories of the village as it was, (my partner being one), and would, not surprisingly, take great offense at your throw-away comments.


Hi i was a friend of Stan Fox who was the last farm owner used to play cards with nim in Fox Inn on Robin lane Beighton Reighned farm was the farm on edge of beighton as you went to Hackenthorpe .Think they called the road it was on Sothall Green . The farm near the Fox inn was run by a farmer called Stan Ells forgot its name.

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