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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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I'm wrong am I?.. I think not, you're just distorting what I said in another attempt to save face... take another look at my post then point out where iv'e got it wrong.. again!


There you go:


We generate feelings not newspaper headlines, you speak from the perspective of someone on the outside looking in. Do you feel that the media misrepresented them in some way?
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I've not read a post from you on any thread which has informed or enlightened...bit much to ask that of others. You think?




Probably a wise move but don't let the idiots grind you down.



Are you above criticism???. I'm questioning your views because mine differ, you're not a team player are you!!?

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He blamed the media, if he wishes to rephrase i'm sure he will.


They actually 'blamed' the media for feeding our insecurities, not misrepresenting Venables or Thompson.


As for people helping?..we're all different, we're all afraid, we are insecure as a society. I don't blame criminality for our insecurities I blame media, media is the cesspit that feeds our fears.
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They actually 'blamed' the media for feeding our insecurities, not misrepresenting Venables or Thompson.


Who do they influence.. those irrational people that want john Venables to suffer the same fate as james bulger, those that carry the pitch folks?

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Who do they influence.. those irrational people that want john Venables to suffer the same fate as james bulger, those that carry the pitch folks?
They influence the people who are susceptible to influence.
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Your're supposed to explain why you consider it wrong for the benefit of myself and others.:rolleyes:


For the hard of thinking:


You stated that newspaper headlines do not generate feelings when they so obviously do.


If the Sun prints a headline with just the word 'Paedophile' and does not print any article in that edition relating to the headline then that headline by itself will generate feelings in the reader even though they have no reference to any particular incident.

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