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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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An answer which clearly shows you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. :rolleyes:



Does it require a PHD in child psychology to conclude that not all neglected or abused children develop psychotic tendencies. What silly point are you trying to make?.

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Does it require a PHD in child psychology to conclude that not all neglected or abused children develop psychotic tendencies. What silly point are you trying to make?.


The point is you keep posting drivel:


Why would I need to supply a theory when society supports what i'm saying?. An abused child with psychotic tendencies is a time bomb, but even if he'd been tucked in at night with a bed time story, it wouldn't alter it.


To which I replied:


Does it support it?


Try and answer the question what in your view caused the psychosis?


You answered:


Thier desire to inflict pain and suffering.. why else would they CONSPIRE to do it??.


and as BF stated:


They would be symptoms, not causes, danot.


which you replied:


Very true!!



So the 'silly' point is you have no idea what you are talking about and still have not come up with an answer to my question of what in your view caused the psychosis. This leads to the conclusion you are just an argumentative **** bored because you are out of work.

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The point is you keep posting drivel:




To which I replied:




You answered:




and as BF stated:




which you replied:





So the 'silly' point is you have no idea what you are talking about and still have not come up with an answer to my question of what in your view caused the psychosis. This leads to the conclusion you are just an argumentative **** bored because you are out of work.


It's not necessary for me to answer questions regarding the intricacies of the human brain, what makes you believe that I would or should have to??. The point That I set out to make has been made. It's self evident, it doesn't require scientific expertise to know it. Even if I did present you with the scientific answer that you require, you're not in a qualified position to credit or discredit it in any way, so why waiste your time asking pointless questions.


And whats with the personal insults, are you having an emotional meltdown or something?. I only pointed out that you talk nonesense, I never expected it to affect you in this way.. are you a little insecure, suffering from a persecution complex maybe.. you are arn't you!?.


I don't know what to suggest, you could try to think positive about yourself, pretend your popular, that should help to raise your spirits.


Don't let things grind you down Zeytsev, keep smiling.:D

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no...everyone chooses what path to follow....everyone is taught wrong from right...but some still commit crime and pay the penalty...in venables case he overstepped the mark and butchered the baby...and he has to live with that for the rest of his life...

this crap about a rough upbringing...i know plenty of kids who had it very hostile in the 60s/70s with their parents but lived through it...and never got into any trouble...

i got into grief but worked through it and enjoy life....but because of venables young james will never get that chance...

just because i favour capital punishment...don't label me thick because i ain't


I have to disagree in the strongest with your assertions.


If someone is damaged, and damaged as badly as T and V are alleged to have been, and as the "Edlington children" are alleged to be, then there are not the fail-safes in place, that there would be in the non-damaged person that, eg, I hope you and I are.


If a child sees its father knocking its mother black and blue, week in, week out, and there is no help, and no intervention, that child is going to grow up with the mind-map that this is what is acceptable behaviour. Children need to have love, and nurturing:- not to have to deal with violence and abuse.

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I have to disagree in the strongest with your assertions.


If someone is damaged, and damaged as badly as T and V are alleged to have been, and as the "Edlington children" are alleged to be, then there are not the fail-safes in place, that there would be in the non-damaged person that, eg, I hope you and I are.


If a child sees its father knocking its mother black and blue, week in, week out, and there is no help, and no intervention, that child is going to grow up with the mind-map that this is what is acceptable behaviour. Children need to have love, and nurturing:- not to have to deal with violence and abuse.


But real life isn't like that PT, bad things happen that no child should have to see or suffer. Plenty of adults refuse to smack thier kids, simply due to the fact that they themselves were abused as children and they know that is wrong.


Your defending a lost cause PT.

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But real life isn't like that PT, bad things happen that no child should have to see or suffer. Plenty of adults refuse to smack thier kids, simply due to the fact that they themselves were abused as children and they know that is wrong.


Your defending a lost cause PT.


So you acknowledge that "plenty" is not "all" and if not "all" then why do you assume the argument is a lost cause? If it was written in stone that we all followed a path without any input from outside influence then I may start to agree with you...but that would be nonsense, I know it, most on here know it, society in general knows it.....with the exception of you course.


Do you assume that one set of circumstances are exactly the same as another set of circumstances?


Do you believe the world runs on one single path with no objective other than imitating one another? Do you believe all minds are as simple as yours or do you acknowledge that we as individuals are far more complex mentally than you?


Check your posts...you've agreed with no one other than those that agree with you. You need to get a shower or summat...I think you've been at your computer far to long. Sad.


Interesting to see what bold you add to your reply.

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So you acknowledge that "plenty" is not "all" and if not "all" then why do you assume the argument is a lost cause?
What I actually said was.. You're defending a lost cause. I don't mind you disagreeing with waht i'm saying Alien, but please stop misquoting it.
If it was written in stone that we all followed a path without any input from outside influence then I may start to agree with you...but that would be nonsense, I know it, most on here know it, society in general knows it.....with the exception of you course.
You continue to misquote me Alien.. please stop!. What I actually said was.. that the press do distort the truth, but the evidence that incriminated J B killers wasn't distorted was it, and the press are not to blame for the publics reaction to the J B murder. I also refuted someones claim that the misleading newspaper headlines which are unsupported by any credible evidence, can influence our emotions. I claimed that we ourselves create the emotional connection to a paticular story, based on forming our own opinion after reading it.


Do you assume that one set of circumstances are exactly the same as another set of circumstances?



Do you believe the world runs on one single path with no objective other than imitating one another?

Do you believe all minds are as simple as yours or do you acknowledge that we as individuals are far more complex mentally than you?
Insult me all you like Alien, afterall, it says more about your mentality than it does mine. I'm not required to agree with what you say, we hold different views, why are you getting all arsey about that??


Check your posts...you've agreed with no one other than those that agree with you. You need to get a shower or summat...I think you've been at your computer far to long. Sad.

I agree with no other post than those that agree with mine.. well deducted columbo:rolleyes:


Interesting to see what bold you add to your reply.

Why would this interrest you??
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no but in the new film "four lions" i get my first speaking part so you never know come next year i may be hollywood bound....i'll invite you..:hihi::hihi:


Hey eastbank congratulations my son has a small part in that as well..(sorry its off topic):(

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Because I thought most sane people would be thoroughly disgusted by venables after what he has done, but apparently not. I wonder if all the dogooders on her wish to go and tell James Bulgers mum what they feel

You are wasting your time on here with the majority of this set of bleeding hearts ...the fact of the matter is we wouldnt be having this conversation if venables was locked up for life as he should be ,but then their argument is ,how can you lock a ten yr old up for life just cos he killed someone.They will then tell you he didnt know any better and everyone deserves a second chance



.Well he has had his second chance ..hey and guess what he has been a naughty boy again oh dear..they can give him another little sentance and keep letting him back out untill he kills some one else..and can anyone be certain he wont?..and if or when he does someone elses family will suffer..all because he wasnt detained to refrain him from doing this again....justice dont make me laugh

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Who is the 'we' you and stewpot54. ;)


I see you have ignored my other previous posts though:









You are making a complete ass of yourself so retain whatever dignity you have left, finish the bottle of Lambrini and go to bed.


I would think you are the one making an ass of themselves ...you are like a child in the school yard at playtime

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