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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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It might interest people to know that I bumped into someone yesterday that I had known in a professional capacity some years ago; a person that had killed their own child.


The mental illness that prompted the killing is well treated and that person, with the help and support of those caring for them is living a quiet, law-abiding and worthwhile life.


Rehabilitation can and does work in some cases.

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You are wasting your time on here with the majority of this set of bleeding hearts ...
Often the 'bleeding hearts' feel they're wasting their time with the spite filled minds on here.

the fact of the matter is we wouldnt be having this conversation if venables was locked up for life as he should be ,

Why dont we lock up all convicted criminals for life, that would stop reoffending all together?

but then their argument is ,how can you lock a ten yr old up for life just cos he killed someone.

As far as we know Venables hasn't killed for a second time.

They will then tell you he didnt know any better and everyone deserves a second chance

Doesn't really matter whether he did or didn't know better, lifers released on license are released when they're considered to be a low risk and generally behave themselves and make a contribution to society. I dont believe the aberrations should affect the prospect of lifers who have no further interest in criminality from the being released on license at some stage.


.Well he has had his second chance ..hey and guess what he has been a naughty boy again oh dear..they can give him another little sentance and keep letting him back out untill he kills some one else

He has been recalled for breaching the terms of his license, he wont be resentenced if he's convicted for the offence he's accused of, he will have to serve out the balance of his original sentence subject to parole board reviews. Life license breachers are not generally considered favourably.


..and can anyone be certain he wont?..and if or when he does someone elses family will suffer..all because he wasnt detained to refrain him from doing this again....justice dont make me laugh

Have you heard about the progress his partner in crime Thompson has made over the last 9 years?
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I havent read all this thread as there is far too much to read, but I received a text message last night telling me his new Identity name and the crime and place he is ment to have done it and the crime doesnt involve children (although its still bad). Also Im not sure what to believe if anything about the text as someone could of just made the name etc up!

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I havent read all this thread as there is far too much to read, but I received a text message last night telling me his new Identity name and the crime and place he is ment to have done it and the crime doesnt involve children (although its still bad). Also Im not sure what to believe if anything about the text as someone could of just made the name etc up!


Indeed, about as reliable as a chocolate teapot. How ridiculous that people are forwarding nonsensne like this. You're right to be highly sceptical of such nonsense.

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I havent read all this thread as there is far too much to read, but I received a text message last night telling me his new Identity name and the crime and place he is ment to have done it and the crime doesnt involve children (although its still bad). Also Im not sure what to believe if anything about the text as someone could of just made the name etc up!


Is the person who sent you the text connected to Venables in some way?

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I have to disagree in the strongest with your assertions.


If a child sees its father knocking its mother black and blue, week in, week out, and there is no help, and no intervention, that child is going to grow up with the mind-map that this is what is acceptable behaviour. Children need to have love, and nurturing:- not to have to deal with violence and abuse.


Total Crap,3 boys and 1 girl brought up with a violent/drunken father and between us over 70 years of marraige and not one of us has been violent to our partner so the idea where if they're brought up in a violent household they know no better is total rubbish.

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Is the person who sent you the text connected to Venables in some way?


It says on the text something about a prison officer not wanting his identity kept a secret or something. Im not sure exactly, but I do think if his identity gets out before his has been tried for this offence or whatever hes ment to have done then they will just say hes had an unfair trial and it will then be dropped and he will wallk free. So I just want people to bare in mind that they need to think about what they are doing as coul possibly destroy the case on him.


I do think tho that if he is found to have commited another offence then hes identity should be taken away!

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It says on the text something about a prison officer not wanting his identity kept a secret or something. Im not sure exactly, but I do think if his identity gets out before his has been tried for this offence or whatever hes ment to have done then they will just say hes had an unfair trial and it will then be dropped and he will wallk free. So I just want people to bare in mind that they need to think about what they are doing as coul possibly destroy the case on him.


I do think tho that if he is found to have commited another offence then hes identity should be taken away!


The chap in the text isn't him though - he got stick for it in 2001 when they were released from prison, he got death threats etc because of it and in the end he had to prove to the world he isn't Venables by getting the family album out from when he was a child. Don't believe the text, I got the same and promptly deleted it.


EDIT: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2886194/Dads-agony-at-being-mistaken-for-Jon-Venables.html Just found this.

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Total Crap,3 boys and 1 girl brought up with a violent/drunken father and between us over 70 years of marraige and not one of us has been violent to our partner so the idea where if they're brought up in a violent household they know no better is total rubbish.


It may be total crap when compared anecdotally to your own experiences, but you might have had more about you (whether at 10, whether at 20) to make connections in your own mind about all that. Not everyone has that ability.


There are many people who endured/ witnessed domestic violence as the norm growing up who have perpetuated the pattern. Seeing violence from / between their parents, and then going on to be attracted to partners with the same sort of personalities, and repeating the cycle.


If I had a quid for every time I heard, from a knocked-about woman "But he only does it because he loves me...!" I could be quite a rich woman.


Not all people do repeat the cycle. Some people can, and do, break the cycle. But if it's all you've known, how do you find the positive patterns to use?

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I have to disagree in the strongest with your assertions.


If someone is damaged, and damaged as badly as T and V are alleged to have been, and as the "Edlington children" are alleged to be, then there are not the fail-safes in place, that there would be in the non-damaged person that, eg, I hope you and I are.


If a child sees its father knocking its mother black and blue, week in, week out, and there is no help, and no intervention, that child is going to grow up with the mind-map that this is what is acceptable behaviour. Children need to have love, and nurturing:- not to have to deal with violence and abuse.


so lets leave T and V out of it....what about the adults who commit serious crime...ie huntley and sutcliffe...can we hang them...nobody would miss them...

why should i subsidise their well being...when my cash can be spent on better more charitable things....

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