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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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You claimed he had commitd an offence - it is there in black and white.


I told you that he has not committed an offence purely because he has been arrested for an offence.....that is not how the system works.


[if theres sufficient evidence to arrests him...] thats what I said. If there isn't suffcient evidence thats another story. Do you think it takes a judge to tick a box saying guilty before a crime can be commited??. Even you could detain someone for commiting an obvious offence, If theres sufficient evidence to incriminates them that is.

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It's almost as if danot types stuff presses send then when others question what is in Black n White he refuses point blank..."I never said that"


How do you debate with such disingenuous claptrap?


How can you make accusations then refuse to back it up?.

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It dosnt matter what he has done..he has broken the law or he wouldnt be locked up..if he wasnt at liberty in the first place..then he wouldnt be able to break the law would he??an you call us daft:loopy:..8 yrs for killing someone no matter how old he was its a boody joke,nowt to do wi pitchforks witch is a rather daft thing to say anyway....just take a minute and put yourself in James parents shoes..then you wouldnt be making pathetic statements about bloody pitchforks




1) as others keep repeating, despite the selective deafness of some of the readers of this thread;


At the moment, V is innocent of any crime. He has not been convicted:- he has not even been tried, as yet, for any crime (apart from his original one, of course). so your "he wouldn't be locked up" theory is out of the window.


2) As I said in a previous post which you seem to choose to ignore, I support the judge at the original trial, who considered a minimum of eight years was entirely appropriate for the crime, considering the extreme youth of T & V.


3) how else can the actions, screaming and baying for V&T's blood, of some be described except as "Pitchfork-waving"? It's not a demand for justice, it's nothing more than vengeance. there's light years between the two.


4) I don't need to put myself in the shoes of James' parents. There have been members of my family, and friends of mine who have been murdered and /or unlawfully killed. I know what it's like to have a loved one taken.


One friend of mine, a former house-mate, was battered, and left to die, in a ditch, in the countryside.


It took her 24-48 hours to die, as she lay there, beaten - according to the pathologist who did her autopsy. The killer was not found for nearly two years, and tried a year or so after that.


The killer was convicted, and he was sentenced. It took a heck of a long time - nearly 3 1/2 years - but justice was done. He's locked away now, where he can't do harm. That's a satisfactory outcome. No pitchforks wielded, anywhere.

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So you feel threatened by what i'm saying?.. I wonder why that is!. it's not a threat Alien, it's an invitataion for you to produce the post that supports your accusation. Either put up or shut up!. Are you prepared to do that.?:loopy:


What accusation? You accuse another poster and myself of misquoting you...you're a liar.


Now apologize or shut up and let the debate continue without you being such a bloody minded arse who seems to think he has his finger on the pulse of the nation.

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Considering he's on this thread almost 24hrs you'd have thought he'd have responded by now. Probably trawling through the posts to find where I allegedly misquoted him...be interesting to see how he bends that one.


Not posting through anything to support my claims, your the one that should be doing that.. have you found it yet??..

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If theres sufficient evidence to arrest him he must have broken the law, or the terms of his conditions. Either way it's a criminal offence.


NO. No, no no.


No, and NO.


Evidence, especially evidence that has not been tried in a court of law does not mean he's done anything.


There's NO criminal offence, until the evidence is tried and found proven.


Remember that little gem of the law that says "Innocent until proven guilty"


Just because the police knock on your door, does not mean you've actually done something wrong.


There needs to be proof of a crime, there needs to be proof that V has breached any terms of his license.

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Not posting through anything to support my claims, your the one that should be doing that.. have you found it yet??..


Can I ask if you have ever wondered why your name was at the top when the redundancy list was drawn up. :hihi:

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I don't often post, but after reading this thread I think I will.


James Bulger is dead. Nothing will ever bring him back. The crime was horrific back when it happened and still is today. It was even more horrific because it was children abducting and murdering a toddler. Nobody wants to believe children can and did do this, but they did. James's family live with it every day and it must be like hell for them. How do you get over something like that ? I do not advocate killing the murderers but I do think that they should not have been released. Now James's family are re-living everything again, that's why i think releasing them was wrong. We should care about the victim and the feelings of those that suffered.


Yes, I know that they were children when they did this and yes, I am not an expert and cannot evaluate if they are sorry for what they did. Yes ,one of them may be living a successful life now . Maybe one was more guilty than the other ? I dont know. I just think it was too soon to release them for the sake of justice for the victim. I think we judge what they did to James differently because they were children . We try to look for every possible reason why they did not mean to do it, as accepting a child of 10 can be bad inside is hard to do.

Now please feel free to rip my grammar apart :)


As Boyfriday said, thank you for a balanced, considered, and thought out post. without a hint of pitchfork waving.


As you say, all anyone can hope for is that they aren't, ever, placed in a similar position as James Bulger's parents were. And none of us can say precisely how we'd react in that situation, until, (God Forbid!!) we, ourselves, are placed there.

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