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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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What accusation? You accuse another poster and myself of misquoting you...you're a liar.


Now apologize or shut up and let the debate continue without you being such a bloody minded arse who seems to think he has his finger on the pulse of the nation.


Not likely!. I am not a liar, nor am I being a bloody minded arse. You have on numerous occasions taken my comments out of context then proceeded to critisize them, which I asked you to refrain from doing this morning, which you are fully aware of.


In a recent response to auto98uk, you accused me of doing it to you, which I refute. Can you present the post in which I do what you have accused me of.. are you prepared to do that?.

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NO. No, no no.


No, and NO.


Evidence, especially evidence that has not been tried in a court of law does not mean he's done anything.


There's NO criminal offence, until the evidence is tried and found proven.


Remember that little gem of the law that says "Innocent until proven guilty"


Just because the police knock on your door, does not mean you've actually done something wrong.


There needs to be proof of a crime, there needs to be proof that V has breached any terms of his license.


Which Mr straw as comfirmed as being extremely serious!!

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The difference in how they should be punished though compared to an adult, in my view is because of the immature nature of the juvenile brain.




I have thought about this point, but this is what troubles me about this case. I have known many many people that have had horrific childhoods. Truly shocking some of them tbh and yes, those people are damaged, but none of them have gone out ,abducted and murdered another child. I really think there has to be something else inside those two boys that enabled them to do this crime.


The thought that your child may be friends with these boys. Can we really ever say that thing inside them has gone ? I'm not sure tbh. Maybe experts have said yes, but in the case of " V " that was the wrong decision. No matter what the crime , if he cannot follow the rules set to live amongst us, he should have that right taken away. The problem for me is, if they get it wrong once, they can get it wrong again. For me releasing them is a gamble that might cost someone too much.

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In a recent response to auto98uk, you accused me of doing it to you, which I refute. Can you present the post in which I do what you have accused me of.. are you prepared to do that?.

Several people have already done this. Is English your first langauage? Because if not it would explain a lot and people might have a bit more patience with you.


I might even think that it is a language barrier problem rather than you constantly spoiling for an argument.

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Which Mr straw as comfirmed as being extremely serious!!


The accusation is serious.


Danot. If I were a nasty piece of work, which, thank God, I'm not I could allege to the police, that you had sexually assaulted me.


I could say to the police, "Oh, that danot attacked me, yahda yahda."


The police could even, possibly arrest you, on that accusation.




1) You would still be innocent of any crime I had alleged you had committed:- and not just because I had fabricated the accusation. The innocent till proven guilty mechanism would still protect you.


2) To get a conviction it would have to be proven that what I said was not a fabrication.

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So is the alleged evidence found on his computer thats incriminated him allegedly.


We STILL don't know that this is what he is accused of.


And as I said above, until the evidence is tried in a court of law, and found Proven, he's still innocent.

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