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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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So is the alleged evidence found on his computer thats incriminated him allegedly.


Has Jack Straw confirmed that he was recalled because of child porn found on his computer?


I've read about 4 different things as to what he's alleged to have done ranging from a fight at work, revealing his identity, and the child porn on his computer.


I'd say all of those things would be considered serious given he was on license under a new identity.

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Not likely!. I am not a liar, nor am I being a bloody minded arse. You have on numerous occasions taken my comments out of context then proceeded to critisize them, which I asked you to refrain from doing this morning, which you are fully aware of.


In a recent response to auto98uk, you accused me of doing it to you, which I refute. Can you present the post in which I do what you have accused me of.. are you prepared to do that?.



errr this one:


What I actually said was.. You're defending a lost cause. I don't mind you disagreeing with waht i'm saying Alien, but please stop misquoting it.

If it was written in stone that we all followed a path without any input from outside influence then I may start to agree with you...but that would be nonsense, I know it, most on here know it, society in general knows it.....with the exception of you course.


You continue to misquote me Alien.. please stop!. What I actually said was.. that the press do distort the truth, but the evidence that incriminated J B killers wasn't distorted was it, and the press are not to blame for the publics reaction to the J B murder. I also refuted someones claim that the misleading newspaper headlines which are unsupported by any credible evidence, can influence our emotions. I claimed that we ourselves create the emotional connection to a paticular story, based on forming our own opinion after reading it.

Do you assume that one set of circumstances are exactly the same as another set of circumstances? [/Quote]

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[if theres sufficient evidence to arrests him...] thats what I said. If there isn't suffcient evidence thats another story. Do you think it takes a judge to tick a box saying guilty before a crime can be commited??. Even you could detain someone for commiting an obvious offence, If theres sufficient evidence to incriminates them that is.


Oh no you didn't me old bucko...now you're chopping your own quotes and leaving out bits to try and distract from the truth of what you really typed.

You're false, disingenuous and a charlatan. YOU typed the lot...not the little bits you're now back peddling with.


This is what you typed:

If theres sufficient evidence to arrest him he must have broken the law, or the terms of his conditions. Either way it's a criminal offence.


You imply that you have to be guilty to be arrested..poppycock. You can be arrested on suspicion...suspicion is not evidence. Evidence is only required when being charged.

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Several people have already done this. Is English your first langauage? Because if not it would explain a lot and people might have a bit more patience with you.


I might even think that it is a language barrier problem rather than you constantly spoiling for an argument.


Nope!.. no language barrier, just don't agree with what you're saying.. is that so hard to accept.. seems like the pyschotic behaviour of baby killers is more acceptable to some of you??.

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Nope!.. no language barrier, just don't agree with what you're saying.. is that so hard to accept.. seems like the pyschotic behaviour of baby killers is more acceptable to some of you??.


being a prat seems to be a firm favourite with yourself, sadly.

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Nope!.. no language barrier, just don't agree with what you're saying.. is that so hard to accept.. seems like the pyschotic behaviour of baby killers is more acceptable to some of you??.


The only manifestation of psychosis evident here is being displayed by yourself.


In all seriousness I think you need help.

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Danot. If I were a nasty piece of work, which, thank God, I'm not I could allege to the police, that you had sexually assaulted me.


I could say to the police, "Oh, that danot attacked me, yahda yahda."


The police could even, possibly arrest you, on that accusation.




1) You would still be innocent of any crime I had alleged you had committed:- and not just because I had fabricated the accusation. The innocent till proven guilty mechanism would still protect you.


2) To get a conviction it would have to be proven that what I said was not a fabrication.


Of course you could accuse me of that, and if jack straw comfirmed that the evidence was very serious, he'd be fabricating the truth also.

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