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Jack Straw reveals Venables alleged sexual offence

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Just because someone doesn't share your view, there is no need to be downright insulting.




Insulting again?


Are all social workers (substitute the "or" with "an" in the word workers for their true title) as nasty as you? Makes no wonder why they have such a poor reputation.


Social worker?


Where did you get that mistaken impression.


As for the insults I suggest you read danots' posts and numerous replies from other posters then form an opinion as to whether he is an 'argumentative ****' and then have a good long look at the bold and ponder the irony.

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Time certainly will tell.


It may tell us he has actually done something wrong, or, alternatively, it may tell us he's done nothing wrong. until the evidence is tried, none of us know.


...And of course, until then V is still innocent. and even after that, he would only be guilty if the evidence is found proven.

IF there is incriminating evidence against him.. there will be a trial, followed by a guilty verdict.
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What do mean?.. you started the thread yer div..:hihi:


Exactly and where did I mention 'evidence':


Jack Straw has shed more light on the circumstances of Venables recall to jail and it now seems he will face a criminal trial for the offence/offences.


Has the victim of his alleged offences been let down by the criminal justice system as if he hadn't been released he couldn't have committed the alleged act.



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Who was it talking about getting suckered by an headline.:huh::loopy:


And again where does it state 'evidence'.


Oh and about that ability to recognise when you are wrong. I did a good few pages ago.


As the OP I admit I was misled by initial reports and my choice of thread title shows this. I am not so pig headed as to state I am never wrong.



You are a bit special aren't you.

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Yes thats the one. Now would you be so kind as to provide the ealier posts of mine that have been out of all context, as that will corroberate the obove.


Thanks Zaytsev!:thumbsup:


This is getting surreal:


:confused: I didn't make any. You accused me of misquoting you. The only accusation I made was in responce to that. :loopy:
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