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Gordon Brown : liar liar pants on fire

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The cost of a packet of cigarettes at the time of the vietnam war was a matter of pence, it is now £6.


My point is such comparisons are meaningless.


Besides which what the soldiers are most in need of are the same armoured cars we used in northern Ireland 25 years ago, whatever inflationary technological advancements there have been are irrelevant when considering what has been lacking.


I think you will find we fight wars using armoured cars helicopters and tanks and not cigarettes and mobile phones. And as the cost of a packet of fags is AS YOU WELL KNOW nearly all tax it is yet another helping of irrelevant drivel from a man delluding himself by wearing red blinkers.

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Only in Gordon Brown's world is a cut actually an investment.


He's either bonkers or a liar.


...and wildcat's by all accounts.



Interesting verdct here..




Brown delivered a very political performance, full of mantras, soundbites and not answering the question.


The prime minister had already made clear that he would not tell the truth. A couple of weeks back, he told the Independent on Sunday that he would assert his backing for the war on the basis of Saddam Hussein's "breach of international obligations" but also that he would set out this position on the basis that "You accept the collective responsibility of the cabinet ... When a decision's made you've got to stand by it."


The convention of collective cabinet responsibility, which requires cabinet ministers to back policies that they do not agree with, is not just a licence to lie, but a requirement to do so. So Brown signalled in advance that he would today have his fingers crossed behind his back...



Not much more to say really, is there? What a pity it wasn't a court of law.

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Requoted for truth


Are they all lying or is Gordon Brown? It can't be both.


None of them claim he has lied.


Lord Guthrie claims what he said was untrue. But he has given no evidence I am aware of, of an instance where the Treasury was asked for money and it was turned down. He then goes on to talk about Brown being disengenuous..... so why doesn't he or any of the others explicitly claim he has lied?


The only possible reason is that the Treasury was never asked for more money that it didn't give and that fault lies with the MOD for not asking.... perhaps because they were already spending so much on destroyers and big high profile toys? That is admitedly conjecture but there is no evidence or reason to believe from those quotes that Gordon Brown lied.

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Come on wildcat, Gordon Brown doesn't walk into the media storm of a parliamentary war inquiry and say something that is "untrue" without knowing it to be so. If he doesn't know what is true or false when giving evidence to a parliamentary war enquiry he isn't fit to lead.


Being a bare faced liar is much more forgiveable but that still makes him unfit to lead.

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It's a shame Cameron and his cohorts are such a bunch of slippery and self serving liars as well. I can't really imagine any of them acting any differently, under the same circumstances. Anyone who says they would, is either extremely naive, or campaigning on behalf of their own narrow interests.

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Come on wildcat, Gordon Brown doesn't walk into the media storm of a parliamentary war inquiry and say something that is "untrue" without knowing it to be so. If he doesn't know what is true or false when giving evidence to a parliamentary war enquiry he isn't fit to lead.


Being a bare faced liar is much more forgiveable but that still makes him unfit to lead.


Except he didn't lie.


Brown is too clever for that. He was well prepared for that line of questioning and gave a truthful answer. It may appear misleading to those not involved in what went on between the Treasury and MOD, but there is no evidence he lied.

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Except he didn't lie.


Brown is too clever for that. He was well prepared for that line of questioning and gave a truthful answer. It may appear misleading to those not involved in what went on between the Treasury and MOD, but there is no evidence he lied.


You seem to have a real problem seeing what everyone else seems to see - that Gordon Brown LIED. Call it bending the truth or twisting it or whatever else you want - it was LIES. What is your problem with this?

It can be pouring with rain on the darkest night and someone will say the sun is shining - and they will be telling the truth, but we all know they are really lying.


He is an incompetant moron who should go - in my honest opinion.

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