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Gordon Brown : liar liar pants on fire

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Unless the UK nationals are illegal immigrants in France and Spain, the ONS figures disagree. They show net migration on 200,000+ per year to the UK.


As always with Labour, the figures are somewhat grey and no hard evidence is given to back them up. Do the 5.5 million outside of the UK count those in Ireland by any chance? or those with dual nationality?


The fact remains, immigration to the UK is evident everywhere and the ONS has figures that backup peoples worries. Only people like you who seem to have a vested interest in supporting such high levels of immigration would agree with Brown and his lies.


I only googled it and it was one of the first things that came up. But I am aware that the UK has traditionally had one of the largest emigrant populations.


Spanish citizens would no doubt say the same about Brits being evident in their country. I know from my holidays in Southern Spain their presence is fairly obvious.


One other thing. Given the amount of anti-Daily Mail posts you have made, calling into question that particular news papers motives and quality in reporting. I would have thought you would refrain from using the Daily mail as a reference to argue a point.


You can’t have it both ways you know.


As I said, it was the first thing that came up.


The Daily Mail are using the figures as part of Anti-Gordon Brown rant and would no doubt conflict with the figures they would be using if they wanted to have a go at foreigners. Something that has previously cost them dearly, but that they continue to do.


It is not about having it both ways. I haven't looked at the Daily Mail story in any detail, I expect it includes its usual flaws of omission, it does however conveniently show that Gordon Brown's quote is not necessarily dishonest. It lists nearly 850,000 British abroad in Spain and France alone. Across Germany and the rest of europe I would be surprised if the figure didn't rise to a million or more.

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I only googled it and it was one of the first things that came up. But I am aware that the UK has traditionally had one of the largest emigrant populations.


Spanish citizens would no doubt say the same about Brits being evident in their country. I know from my holidays in Southern Spain their presence is fairly obvious.




As I said, it was the first thing that came up.


The Daily Mail are using the figures as part of Anti-Gordon Brown rant and would no doubt conflict with the figures they would be using if they wanted to have a go at foreigners. Something that has previously cost them dearly, but that they continue to do.


It is not about having it both ways. I haven't looked at the Daily Mail story in any detail, I expect it includes its usual flaws of omission, it does however conveniently show that Gordon Brown's quote is not necessarily dishonest. It lists nearly 850,000 British abroad in Spain and France alone. Across Germany and the rest of europe I would be surprised if the figure didn't rise to a million or more.


Wildcat, you must be able to understand that net migration would need to have been huge in the years prior to the figures I have referenced for your claims to be correct.


Can you please provide a reference to the migration figures that shows the "exodus" of British born citizens to the four corners of the planet to counter the current and sustain immigration figures.


By the way, you are trying to have it both ways if your only evidence is that provided by the daily mail, unless you have had a change of heart in regards to that particular news paper.

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By the way, you are trying to have it both ways if your only evidence is that provided by the daily mail, unless you have had a change of heart in regards to that particular news paper.


He swap and changes to suit his hobby which is arguing.

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  • 1 year later...

It's a bit surreal when Rupert Murdoch gets to call Gordon Brown a liar over hacking, but that's exactly what happened today.




Mr Murdoch went on to claim Mr Brown later made a “totally outrageous” claim about the way The Sun had found out about his son, Fraser, suffering from cystic fibrosis.


He said: “When the hacking scandal broke he made a totally outrageous statement, which he had to know was wrong, and he called us a criminal organisation because he said we had hacked into his personal medical records when he knew very well how The Sun had found out about the condition of his son.


“A father from the same hospital in a similar position called us and said shouldn’t we get some charity or research on this, and [Rebekah] Brooks immediately snatched it from the newslist and said ‘let me handle this’.”


He said Mrs Brooks called Mrs Brown and asked her how she wanted to handle the matter, and several days later The Sun published a story.


“Four of five days later Mr Brown wrote a personal letter to Mrs Brooks thanking her for her sensitivity in how she handled the story. I believe that letter is in the hands of the police.”

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