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Lowering Sheffield speed limits to 25 mph

Lower speed limits ?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Lower speed limits ?

    • 25 mph seems like a good idea
    • Even lower, 20 mph
    • Less than 20 mph
    • 30 mph is just fine for me

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I know I've only just passed my test but on lessons it bugged me I had to watch the pavements aswel incase anyone tried to cross


Thats really a big thing about driving you have to be aware of your surroundings, if it bugs you that you have to be aware of what other people are doing (or not doing) then you might want to hand your license back.

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i did say "when its safe to do so" i dont speed every time i go out in the car. I am also an advanced driver so know more than most people about when it is safe to speed and when its not


If there's a 30 limit it's very rarely safe to speed.

I quite often speed on the motorway and A roads, but rarely in 30 zones. There are a few though, Penistone road for example where all the traffic speeds except as it passes the camera.

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I like the law in america Jaywalking. That its illegal to cross the road at certain parts of the road and you must cross at set point of the road.


This stops people just running out from behind cars etc and I bet would make roads safer.


I know I've only just passed my test but on lessons it bugged me I had to watch the pavements aswel incase anyone tried to cross


Have you ever crossed the road in the US? For a start the law is routinely ignored as far as I could tell, and secondly, if you want to cross the road, it's a pain in the neck. I'm perfectly capable of crossing safely without needing a light, and children will still run out into the road despite it being illegal.

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Thats really a big thing about driving you have to be aware of your surroundings, if it bugs you that you have to be aware of what other people are doing (or not doing) then you might want to hand your license back.


What bugs me is the amount of pedestrians I've seen stepping out quickly into the road without looking both ways. I presume everyone, pedestrians and drivers, are all idiots and drive with this in mind but people who don't want to die should look both ways before crossing the road. Roads are for cars, you'd think a lot of people forget this by the looks of it.

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  • 2 months later...

I've just been reading an interesting article on this subject. What do you think?


The day I hit a child at 20mph – and realised the speed limit must be cut

In an impassioned appeal, Dr Nick Foreman remembers the near-fatal accident that convinced him of the need to stop motorists driving at 30mph in built-up areas



... Somebody tapped me on the shoulder. "Are you all right, mate? I saw everything. The kid ran out in front of you – there was nothing you could have done." These were very kind words. I remembered my children. I put my head back into the car – both were crying. I said everything was going to be fine, but I had no idea whether this was the truth.....


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There is some strong researched evidence:


Typically within Hull, 20 mph zones have achieved reductions[106] in injury accidents of:


— Total accidents -56 per cent


— Killed & seriously injured accidents -90 per cent


— Accidents involving child casualties -64 per cent


— All pedestrian accidents -54 per cent


— Child pedestrian accidents -74 per cent.


It is estimated that at the end of 1999, 390 injury accidents had been prevented within the 20 mph zones which had been previously installed. 122 of these would have involved injuries to children.



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I've just been reading an interesting article on this subject. What do you think?



This is what prompts a lot of confusion and argument about high speed being dangerous. In many cases speed is not the prime cause - or even, any part of the cause - of an accident; however, in any accident, no matter what the cause, the faster a car is going the more damage it will do.


I'd happily support a 20mph limit on all housing estates, but having it also apply to the likes of Penistone Road would be a trifle absurd.

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Many years ago (over 30), I was once driving along Greengate Lane in High Green, mid afternoon. past a row of parked cars near the shops. I was driving fairly slowly, probably 15 to 20 mph tops, just pottering along. I don't know/remember why I was travelling slowly at the time, but I'm glad I was. A young lad ran out between the cars, saw me and froze where he was. Luckily I was able to stop in time, but only just. Had I been going any faster I would have hit him. This really shook me (and the lad as well). The sight of him frozen in front of me has stuck with me ever since. I am always very very careful in built up areas.


I think 20 mph is fine for a lot more areas than at present

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