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Wharncliffe MTB funding


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Hi I read on a website that the FC were going to improve the XC mtb trails at Wharncliffe. I think singletrackworld


Anyone know anything about it. When it is going to happen and how to get involved? It would be great if we could have a mini Glentress/Betsy Coed in Sheffield.


Anybody interested in building trails?

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  • 6 months later...

Yes its true, In fact we have formed a club called Wharncliffe riders collective at the request of the FC as a body for the FC to liase with regarding the new XC trail. Everyone is welcome to join the WRC and help in organisation / Dig days.

We are just waiting for the final go ahead from the local forester and diggining will begin on the 16km sustainable XC route. The route has actualy been designed by a certain Mr Steve Peat:cool:

Take a look at http://www.singletraction.org.uk/news_Jan_2006.htm for further news and adverts for the dig days where everyone is of coarse welcome.





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few weeks ago i went down and saw a lot of riders with the forestry commisioners, they were planning to put burms at the bottom of each trail leading back up the hills so people dont get run over on the fire roads.

there also thinkin about havin someone in a pick up to take you back up 2 the top of each trail.

save walkin back up(well the walkin up is all part of dh)

:thumbsup: ps = live 2 ride

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personaly i think theres enough trails in and around wharncliffe,

i can spend all day there and still not cover half of them,if theres to be a better surface instead of the ever impassable bits caused by motor bikes then il try to get up to help,


and im not shure peaty's the best person to design a xc route :rolleyes:

.... i can see the insane 12 ft drop offs now :hihi: :hihi:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Good to see some interest on here!


Matt - I think I was one of the guys talking to the FC (I ride a YETI Mono 9, if that helps put a bike to a face to a username!) and have helped co-ordinate and put together the plans for the DH side. The initial goal is to address the concerns the FC have over safety - signing the tracks at the appropriate standard, fixing exist so they are all low speed, signing any difficult features in advance.


The plan is certainlly not to introduce more trails to the woods as such - however as well as the control the DH tracks need, the XC track needs a total overhaul so one loop has been designed to make the most of the land.


Steve is invloved as a high profile name but the trails will all be built with progression and development in mind - any features that are challenging will also have a 'chicken route'.


For reference, the WRC are mostly local and we hang out on the gravity-slaves forum here:



If you have any specific questions about the plans, can offer help with funding, sponsorship, planning, digging or just moral support, drop in and say hi!

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