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Please be careful when choosing your wedding photographer

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I'm now left with wedding photos that i never asked for. with the excitement of the day i had no idea the photos being taken were total rubbish and totally the opposite of what i asked for.


the best part about it the photographers shop shows amazing pic's in his shop window. 1 of the reasons i went with him. they were so beautiful and just what i was looking for.


a few days later when my pictures were ready to be seen i could of cried when i saw them. they were nothing of what i asked for. totally the opposite.

they all look fake and cheeeeeeeezzzzzie. they are OK in a way of just standard pictures but family members hav done better. i did complain but not allot you can do is there once your wedding is over.

please be very careful do try and get someone who you know does great picture from others who have given him a reference.


these are the photos that you will look at for the rest of your life and to be honest iv put mine away so i dont look at them.


juts because they have amazing pictures on show doesn't always mean they always do amazing pictures.


good luck with all your weddings xxxxx

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It can be difficult sorting through the large number of people out there claiming to be Professional Wedding Photographers.


I have a list of thirty questions to ask potential wedding photographers.


The list is on my web site and can be downloaded as a pdf file.




Let me know if you can think of any other questions.:help:

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these are the photos that you will look at for the rest of your life and to be honest iv put mine away so i dont look at them.



More likely to get put in the loft to be brought out one in a blue moon we recently had ours out for our 25th anniversary, I cant remember the last time they were out before that. :huh:

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More likely to get put in the loft to be brought out one in a blue moon we recently had ours out for our 25th anniversary, I cant remember the last time they were out before that. :huh:


awww thats such a shame, im in the process or sorting lots of my wedding pictures out what others have taken and im going to put them in a nice album and have it in my living room on the book shelf.

my wedding album is actualy gorgeous that i had from the so called photographers, i chose the most expensive 1 they had. shame about the pics in side :(.

get your wedding pictures out and keep them downstairs, its nice to show your kids when they are older and maybe 1 day grandchildren.


my mum and dad are divorced but i have their wedding album :). its lovely to look at once in a while .


i may be a little OTT but iv got a memory box aswell that i kept bits from my weddng day. it was only 2 years ago but ill always keep it.

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It can be difficult sorting through the large number of people out there claiming to be Professional Wedding Photographers.


I have a list of thirty questions to ask potential wedding photographers.


The list is on my web site and can be downloaded as a pdf file.




Let me know if you can think of any other questions.:help:


that's a good idea really. to be honest allot of those questions i asked anyway. still doesn't cover you really. very hard to choose the right person.


breaks my heart to think i have photos that i am not happy with. there's no heads missing or anything like that but everything i asked to be done for the photos he didn't do. out of all the pictures there was 2 i liked.

on 1 photo i have my adult bridesmaid pulling her face, looks like she has a face of thunder. surely a professional photographer wouldn't put that picture out for me to see. so just makes me wonder what the pictures looked like the 1s i didn't see if those were the type of 1s he put out.


i think maybe 1 of the only ways is to have as many wedding photos out on display for people to view and decide for them selves. funny cause on the website i looked at my pictures theres always the same sort of wedding pictures. 2 years on and theres still a picture on his website that was there when i got married.

alarm bells should be ringing with that personly.

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awww thats such a shame,


We went the whole hog , we have a album, both sets of parents had a album and then there was a video and a picture put on canvas, they are cherished memories but you don’t want to be getting them out every time someone visits do you.


I wouldn’t whittle too much about the photography to much, people always seem to find the quirky pic’s more interesting that the classic poses.,the little kid sticking his tongue out or your aunties OTT hat etc


on 1 photo i have my adult bridesmaid pulling her face, looks like she has a face of thunder. surely a professional photographer wouldn't put that picture out for me to see. so just makes me wonder what the pictures looked like the 1s i didn't see if those were the type of 1s he put out.


Didn’t he give you all the pic’s for you to decide what went in the album?

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We had a problem like this, when we went to visit our photgorapher I think he showed us pictures that weren't taken by him. He promised us reportage but we didn't get that at all.


We really stuggled to find a nice picture of the two of us to have on the so called free canvas, there wasn't one picture of myself and the bridesmaids, there was pictures of the same people 5/6 times but then no pictures of other people, only one of me on my own, no pictures of me and my mum together, he wasted loads of time taking pictures of us with my veil over my husbands head as well but then didn't show us any of these. This was just a few of the problems we had.


He was all about the jokey shots and that wasn't what we wanted.


I just don't think he was very good really and after the wedding he just did not care at all. He knew I was upset but just ignored emails. We did manage to cobble together a nice album but with no help from him.


To top it off somebody we knew had booked him before our wedding and he ruined theirs too and when they complained he just said 'oh well book us for your first wedding anniversary and we might get that right.'

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We went the whole hog , we have a album, both sets of parents had a album and then there was a video and a picture put on canvas, they are cherished memories but you don’t want to be getting them out every time someone visits do you.


I wouldn’t whittle too much about the photography to much, people always seem to find the quirky pic’s more interesting that the classic poses.,the little kid sticking his tongue out or your aunties OTT hat etc




Didn’t he give you all the pic’s for you to decide what went in the album?


we didn't go the whole hog because we couldn't afford that. we just agreed a set amount with the chosen album which i chose the most expensive because i wanted it to last. then we agreed what sort of pictures we wanted.


i wanted quirky pictures, the type where your not posed for the camera. all the type of picture when you don't realise your photo is being taken, being caught off guard etc ect i got non of that. i got 1 picture that was caught off guard which was my son taking a wee up the side of the church. you couldn't see anything just his back but i like it just because from that picture i knew the things that carried on that day . hard to explain. instead iv got all posed pictures that i said he wasn't to do. loads and loads and loads of them before i even got there. there's a picture of me and my hubby bridesmaid, and best man and 3 of us look as though we r taking a dump (poo). those are not quirky nor funny. horrible horrible pictures. the only other picture i liked 1 was of me and my hubs in the church doing our vows staring at each other. it was lovey and had no idea it was taken as he was told no pictures to be taken in church. so he got 2 pics i liked and the rest total crap.

i got quirky 1s of others who were there and I'm going to put 1 together myself.


god no i wouldn't get the photos out at every chance. i hate that with a passion. mainly for me to see, don't no if that's sad or not but all the money i paid out i don't want them in some dusty attic never to be seen again unless some1 passes away. that's just so sad :(.


he chose what pictures he wanted then showed us then we chose what went into the album. we didn't realise that he hadn't showed us all the pictures until the album had been done because we remembered certain things that were taken and we never saw.




its awful isn't it so heart breaking. we didn't have a video taken either so i haven't even got that to fall back on.


I'm hoping to renew our vows in a few years and maybe get some decent 1s then. that's if I'm not to old. old and in a wedding dress isn't a good look lol.


thanks for the replies. just want to make people think before choosing because it can be done without thinking really.


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