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Is there a "ego" culture in texas poker holdem??


hi guys, im doing a review / report on texas hold em... im totally new to this, and im starting to see why the game is fasinating! Theres just a few questions i have and was wondering if anyone could help me.


Is there an ego culture in the game, and is it a good thing or bad thing? I should imagine you have to be really competetive and the thought of losing is awful... would you say there is a BIG EGO culture in the game.


A little like football (soccer) or in a professional career/capacity like a surgeon or salesman, where everyone thinks they are the best at it... and want people to know that they are.


Also, are you always looking to better your competiton... with more knowledge or better techniques and skill


any relivant information would be great


thanks guys!

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theres is a huge ego culture in the game but it resides within certain players.


look at - mike 'the mouth' matusow and phil helmuth, these 2 players are probably the most egotisticle players in the world, both talk about how much better they are than everyone else at the tables and they both never shut up, they continuously spout rubbish whilst sat at the table. it makes for very good viewing though you should check em out on youtube or something. they both have a reputation for blowing up in games when they lose a big hand, its quite hilarious, other than those 2 everyone else is pretty much respectful etc

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Bloody hell. Just played my first tourney for money on Betfair. Turbo No Limits. Talk about adrenaline...and that was only with a $5 stake!


Came 2nd out of 76 and won $76!!! Made a couple of mistakes but really pleased. Not sure my heart could take much more of that though. :help:


well done!!!!

im glad it kinda also backs up my last post too, just out of curiosity tell me have you learnt more about you own and others playing style?

if so the guy that feels he should pay for tuition this question could possibly save him some money .

agin well done

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well done!!!!

im glad it kinda also backs up my last post too, just out of curiosity tell me have you learnt more about you own and others playing style?

if so the guy that feels he should pay for tuition this question could possibly save him some money .

agin well done


Cheers. I think my style is inconsistent - I felt my confidence ebbing and flowing. Made some good calls but missed two big pots that I would've won if I'd kept my nerve.


The rate of increase of the blinds was terrifying! couldn't really pick up on others style.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
hi, just to let you know the website nearly done, the guys on the cd's are little known, but apparantly really good players and have won relitively large sums of money, one makes around $10k a month. the sites http://www.texasholdemassassin.com




This reminds me of those old racing systems you got (and probably still do)which preyed on the gullible. If the system is so good, why do they need to sell it to others to make money. It's even got the oldest pricing trick in the book.



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