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Who's going to Shambala?


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I was reading it before it went down. Basically there were a few local residents complaining about the noise and their "lives being ruined" for 3 days with the noise, traffic etc..


Basically they said they didn't even know the festival was happening until people started arrived (which is strange seeing as it was on the same weekend last year!) and basically the residents were going to do everything in their power to stop it next year.


The boards basically then turned into a slanging match between residents (calling everyone travellers and hippies) and festival goers having a go back...


I really hope it happens again cos I had a great time.

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Originally posted by jimmy

I was reading it before it went down. Basically there were a few local residents complaining about the noise and their "lives being ruined" for 3 days with the noise, traffic etc..


Basically they said they didn't even know the festival was happening until people started arrived (which is strange seeing as it was on the same weekend last year!)


But was it at the same place as last year?


There was a traffic cop trying to direct traffic from 'that roundabout' and he said that he knew nothing about what was happening, he'd just arrived and found loads of people queuing from all directions.


Sounds to me like the organisers hadn't made their plans public beforehand....tho doesn't there have to be a public music licence or somesuch issued? Or was it all being done illegally?

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I heard from a fairly reliable source that the organisers are gonna find a new location if they decide to go ahead with next year's Shambala. There was also talk of a fallow year.....hope not! I need my annual Sham fix!

I had a great time down there.....a HUGE thank you to everyone who made it such a good weekend!

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Originally posted by poimaster

I heard from a fairly reliable source that the organisers are gonna find a new location if they decide to go ahead with next year's Shambala. There was also talk of a fallow year.....hope not! I need my annual Sham fix!

I had a great time down there.....a HUGE thank you to everyone who made it such a good weekend!


It was hugely good. "Hugely" being the word for the toilet facilities at times, sadly! :D


But the rest of it was, yes, hugely good!



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Well I've only just got back, a little late I know.


Ninio were by far the best act this year, the Zen Hussies on Monday night were also fantastic.


Unfortunately the weekend of Shambala was also the weekend the quarry up the road needed to move large amounts of it's stuff down the hill. This resulting in lots of big trucks meeting lots of stuck hippies on friday.


As for the noise complaints, I got told off on Saturday in the secret bar after Ninio played. However I think it was Monday that swung it for the locals. No one wanted to the Zen Hussies to stop playing :D


Next year unfortunately there won't be another Shambala, it's just got too big and it's time for something new.


However there is certainly something lined up for next year, so keep your ears to the ground!

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