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Pre theatre/City Hall food.


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What was the menu like before? And what now? The time I tried to visit, I genuinely couldn't get there through the fences and machinery without walking back round and coming round from the other side of the Crucible.


Granted it was lazy of us, but we just went to Zooby's in the Gardens for food and coffee anyway.


Wish they'd hurry up and finish the courtyard outside the theatres!


There was a varied menu before which seemed to cater to a lot of tastes. There were large meals and also lighter snacks. Now the preshow menu, at least when I went in a couple of weeks ago, was down to four or five choices and in our group of six there were a couple of people who didn't see anything they liked.


It wasn't the quality of the food, but rather that the choice was poor and it was all in the genre of 'fine dining'.

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Like i said, try Crucible Corner. If your going to the theatre its easy. Mind you it may be full of scantily clad ladies and men seeing as Rocky Horror is on at the Lyceum. I may pop down myself. For the ladies of course, not bothered about blokes in basques.:hihi:

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yude fyenfhdsyssid fsddd msdksdjdsi mfdd cfmf df fsd,md ddfd fm fk fk,f zxvjmw dssa sasioaemaweme wkjwekjne we knjenawrerf mklrme,fe klrekerrkm mer emmfrm feermrmr mre ikrerem m em eekr re errkxbjfmcmvfcfdd fd[o]xcifdiofd mjms,d.fd lf d,df lfddkmd,f mfdmdd xf dm njjnhjnhnhhbbggvvvffc xcd dc x df xxxxxdgfye yyhjjkjr,semrtre,rrtrrrrm r9ko,lklreklrekl75hj,gohgnhmh juggn nnj54 rklt,lrkltk,krklk tr tkrl6yk


I agree!!!

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Can anyone recommend somewhere not too far from the Lyceum to get a pre theatre meal on a saturday night



Crucible Corner is owned by Sheffield Theatres which is a charity so you can feel virtuous while stuffing your face. A friend went there today and really liked the food - simple but tasty, she said. It was fully booked when I went but is worth a try.

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We ate at Crucible Corner for the first time last night and it was really good. A small menu but everything is freshly prepared and very tasty. Great service too.


Portion sizes weren't huge but were just right for us. It will be even better once you don't have to clamber through the building site that is Tudor Square to get there.

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Silversmiths? The one on Arundel Street that's been Ramsayed? I've been a couple of times since its transformation but I'm a veggie so having the Yorkshire Blue tart twice was enough for me. At the time I think they said something about doing a pre-theatre menu. Btw, I've also heard good things about Ego and that pizza place in Leopold Street is OK too.

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