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Best Friend Childhood term??

Best Friend???  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Friend???

    • 14yr and below i have a best friend
    • 15-18 i have a best friend
    • 19-24 i have a best friend
    • 25-30 i have a best friend
    • 31-40 i have a best friend
    • 41-50 i have a best friend
    • 51+ i have a best friend
    • I think the term best friend is a childhood saying.
    • I want a best friend!!! or a friend :(
    • I have close friends.

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I was very excited today when my youngest boy came home from school and told me he has a best friend, he is nine years old. This got me thinking about when was younger and I had best friends, then when I got to sixteen I didn’t really bother with calling anyone my best friend, same as now really as I have many close friends (Equally valued in my life) and also acquaintances.


So is the saying ‘best friend’ a childhood term rather than an adult term?


Shall I buy a best friend chain and draw one of my closest friends names out of a hat, so they know who is the bestest :hihi:?


Who was your childhood best friend?


Do you have a best friend now or would you say close friend, how old are you (if you don‘t mind me asking :o)?

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I'm 37 and I still have a best friend.


A best friend is the one who will be there through thick and thin, won't judge, will be honest and will be the person who won't mind if you don't call 20 times a day as long as you let them know that you are okay in your own way.


I have many friends but only one best friend.

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I'm 25, I would say my closest friend is my mom :D... i tell her everything and shes always there for me, always honest with me and always has my best interests at heart :D


i have a few close friends i've known for years who i share the same bond with, i'd trust them with my life same as my mom and they are always there for me. A few are school friends too so theirs alot of childhood history there and a long standing deep bond between us.


I couldn't see myself calling one of them my best friend as it reminds me of the play ground :hihi: saying ones more important than the others. I see all my close friends at least twice a week, although one is here everyday :suspect::hihi: and i'm never off the phone to them all (no wonder i never get anything done :roll:) but i have friends i see at uni, school, gym etc who i wouldn't say were close friends just aquantances. :D

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My best friend is definatly my other half too he is the other half of me.

I have best friends but there is a private reason as to why I call them best friends.


But I also have close friends and aquaintances too, and then there are general scruff in the street I ignore lol.


I have had my best mates for a short time but we have shared some personal (non sexual before your minds go in to overdrive) Experiances together and I would trust them with my life and my kids, Honestly you seriously know what a closer then close friend is when you have been through what we have.


I think the friends that I have that I recently made know me and treat me better then any friend I have had long term.

I suppose we all have diffrent opinions on terms we use, I also call one of my best friends THE WIFE.


We spend everyday together, we even share my bed when she calls round on a saturday and im not up she climbs in bed with me lol.

Infact the other week we where in bed at 10am with a bar of fruit and nut hahaha watching a dvd.


I have many friends and diffrent types but they all mean the world to me, just some I trust more then others and it takes a lot for me to trust someone.

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I'm 37 and I still have a best friend.


A best friend is the one who will be there through thick and thin, won't judge, will be honest and will be the person who won't mind if you don't call 20 times a day as long as you let them know that you are okay in your own way.


I have many friends but only one best friend.


I think this is lovely and so true , there is a group of us that are best friends.

We all ring each other all the time and alays meet up.

We may not ring for days at a time but we all know we still love each other.


There are 5 of us and we all get along like a house on fire.

If we have a problem with one another we sit and talk about it.

We never talk bad of each other , and always share the good and bad times.

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Awwwww that's sweet with your kid :) Bless.


(I think I spent a lot of my childhood hiding from bullies, so I'm pretty certain the only "best friends" I would have had then would be the ones who didn't pick on me :hihi::help:)


I'm 25 and definitely don't have a best friend, or even any close ones. Probably a combination of moving around loads, having had personal issues to sort out, and being genuinely quite keen on spending time on my own. At the moment I think I would find hanging out with one person or a small group of people a lot quite stifling. I know I am still growing and changing as a person. My interests, world view, career ambitions, even my emotions are very different to those I had six months ago. Sometimes I hardly know myself or what I really want or like so I think I'd like to work on that before getting close to anyone.


On the most part, it seems to work fine; I'm pretty independent practically and I think I'm getting stronger emotionally as well - I can definitely cope with the Friday and Saturday nights on my own and the daily s***e a lot better now :).


Sometimes I still think it would be great to have someone I was really, really tight with, especially as I'm not close to my family. If you offered me a hot bloke or two really good, loyal, female friends I'd go for the friends.


But right now I think my best mate is probably the city I live in, as the song goes :) (in fact, I remember when I was a bit tearful just sitting in Paradise Square on New Years Day watching the snow fall and the stars in the sky and it was almost as good as having someone to have a chat with over the phone).



Wow this post is very deep and full of thought. I believe no matter who is in our lifes we grow and change,but it is very nice to grow and change together (wth your friend). I used to have 2 best friends ,I had been best mates with for many many years. But we fell apart mainly through a peretic row.


Or so I thought , I now realised we all changed in life and started a journey down a diffrent path. I am studying hard now and opening my own buisness with a friend.

And my life income wise totally changed too along with me learning to drive ect.


My old friends are studying/working and driving but they are still in to going out all the time to the clubs ect.

Where as I ain't bothered about clubs I prefer a quiet one at a pub or friends round for dvd and a chat.

Or a day of beuty therapy and pampering, and doing stuff in couples and with the kids.


My old mates are in to "friendships" I quote this because the relationships they have with people are not my idea of friendships. As there is a lot of backstabbing and nam calling behind backs.

I just grew up no matter how much you are changng in life hun you can still have friends.


Just make sure they are the type of friend that have your intrests best at heart, and not just their own. Friends that would be their at 2am if it was an emergency.

A friend that would be their to make you smile when your down. I am very careful who I chose to have as friends but it is worth it. When you find that connection it is worth never letting it go.


I appreciate my own time too , and e all respect each other for that. Im sure when you do find that special friend in life you will look back and rememer your post x

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I think you have best friends as a child because friendship is pretty violent in those years, you go from being inseparable to not speaking because they used your favourite pen. When you get older and emotionally mature you become less prone to the friendship lightening strike and look for people that you can be comfortable with over the people that thrill you. I have lots of best mates now rather than one and they are more like family. They are the people you can ignore for a year but know if you need them they will be straight to your aid and the other way around


I love my best mates:love:


of course some people never seem to grow out of the lightening strike phase!

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