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Scents that take you back

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That pink medicine what you had when you were a kid.

almondy cocktail cherries in lemonade. This last christmas, I had to buy a jar and stick them on cocktail sticks and put them in my lemonade. It really took me back to when my nanan n grandad used to take me to the working mens club, when i was little.

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Estee Lauder Youth Dew:banana: One whiff and Im 17 again. I used to drench myself in this as you do when your that age . Every morning I used to get the bus to work and there was a blind lady wwho got the same bus and she would always cal out "Morning *****" (real name disguised to protect the innocent) One day I asked her how she knew it was me , was it my clummpy platforms? "No" she said "its the Estee Lauder ,I can smell it quarter of a mile away:hihi:" Ahh now Im older and wiser and wear small amounts of v expensive Hermes perfume much to my husbands relief :hihi:

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There's a cheap shampoo smell, no particular brand it appears in a few, and it's not in any brand we buy.


Once or twice a year I'll be in a hotel taking a shower, I'll open a shampoo capsule and wham ... the smell takes me back to the actual moment that I'm curled up in my mum and dad's shower cubicle, sobbing after I've just discovered my first girlfriend in bed with another bloke!

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The smell of glaiced cherries/cherry gataux - it reminds me of when I threw it up when I was 5 after eating large quantities of it.


Joop! Jump reminds me of a friend who I was very close to for a number of my young teenage years.


Gucci Rush reminds me of when I was a slightly older teenager and we used to spray ourselves with it to cover the smell of alcohol so our parents wouldn't smell it!

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