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Scents that take you back

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Dewberry perfume oil. I worked at The Body shop then anyway but my uni student hall wreaked of the stuff.

White musk reminds me of sixth form.

Chanel No 5 reminds me of my grandma or for when she was skint L'aimant.

Ysatis reminds me of my mum.

White Linen was my signature smell for years and i still wear it now, Angel reminds me of great nights out and although i still have some i find it a bit heavy now.

I have a very keen sense of smell so lots of smells associate with people for me. Sometimes that's good, sometimes not :gag:

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Fresh cut grass reminds me of summers in Mablethorpe when I was a kid... Ysatis (sp?) reminds me of my best mate and sneaking out to pubs when we were school kids (12-13) in the late 1980's... Coty Laimant reminds me of my mam and nan when I was a kid - they were always using that talc!

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