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The pet group poetry thread


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i may look sad,

I may act mad,

But mostly I'll be really glad...

........if you choose me.


I'll show you tricks,

I'll bring you sticks,

But mostly there'll be lots of licks...

........if you choose me.


For a photo I will gladly pose,

And at your feet I'll gently doze,

But mostly I'll nuzzle you with my nose...

........if you choose me


I'll always be ready for a chat

On anything from this and that,

But mostly I'll stretch out on the mat...

........if you choose me.


So now the end of all those talks

And thoughts must turn to lovely walks,

But mostly there'll be popping corks...

........when you choose me.


Up to the bars my nose I'll shove,

I'll shower you with endless love,

And I will thank the stars above...

........that you chose me.


At first you may still hear a whine,

But very soon my coat will shine

And mostly it'll be just fine...

........'cos you chose me.


There may be a puddle on the floor,

But please do not show me the door,

For I will love you evermore...

........'cos you chose me.


And when it's time that we must part,

On your cheeks those tears will smart,

But I will stay in your heart...

........'cos you chose me.


But now it's time the truth to tell,

For this part you should know full well

That when you thought for me you fell...


........'twas I chose you!


Dr. S. Ablett, Leicester

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Thats really lovely mummysaz21, we really should have a animal related poetry thread don't you think? maybe this could be it?

There is a wonderful poem on p@h website, there is only part of it on there but the full one is very thought provoking.

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I will change the title then :)

Here is the poem



Voice of the Voiceless

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


I am the voice of the voiceless:

Through me, the dumb shall speak;

Till the deaf world's ear be made to hear

The cry of the wordless weak.

From street, from cage, and from kennel,

From jungle and stall, the wail

Of my tortured kin proclaims the sin

Of the mighty against the frail.


For love is the true religion,

And love is the law sublime;

And all that is wrought, where love is not,

Will die at the touch of time.

And Science, the great Revealer,

Must flame his torch at the Source;

And keep it bright, with that holy light

Or his feet shall fail on the course.


For he who would trample kindness

And mercy into the dust--

He has missed the trail, and his quest will fail:

He is not the guide to trust.

Oh shame on the mothers of mortals

Who have not stopped to teach

Of the sorrow that lies in dear, dumb eyes,

The sorrow that has no speech.


Oh, never a brute in the forest,

And never a snake in the fen,

Or ravening bird, starvation stirred,

Has hunted his prey like men.

For hunger, and fear, and passion

Alone drive beasts to slay,

But wonderful man, the crown of the Plan,

Tortures, and kills, FOR PLAY.


He goes well fed from his table;

He kisses his child and wife;

Then he haunts a wood, till he orphans a brood,

Or robs a deer of its life.

He aims at a speck in the azure;

Winged love, that has flown at a call;

It reels down to die, and he lets it lie;

His pleasure was seeing it fall.


The same force formed the sparrow

That fashioned Man, the King;

The God of the Whole gave a spark of soul

To each furred and feathered thing.

And I am my brother's keeper,

And I will fight his fight,

And speak the word for beast and bird,

Till the world shall set things right.

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I will change the title then :)

Here is the poem



Voice of the Voiceless

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


I am the voice of the voiceless:

Through me, the dumb shall speak;

Till the deaf world's ear be made to hear

The cry of the wordless weak.

From street, from cage, and from kennel,

From jungle and stall, the wail

Of my tortured kin proclaims the sin

Of the mighty against the frail.


For love is the true religion,

And love is the law sublime;

And all that is wrought, where love is not,

Will die at the touch of time.

And Science, the great Revealer,

Must flame his torch at the Source;

And keep it bright, with that holy light

Or his feet shall fail on the course.


For he who would trample kindness

And mercy into the dust--

He has missed the trail, and his quest will fail:

He is not the guide to trust.

Oh shame on the mothers of mortals

Who have not stopped to teach

Of the sorrow that lies in dear, dumb eyes,

The sorrow that has no speech.


Oh, never a brute in the forest,

And never a snake in the fen,

Or ravening bird, starvation stirred,

Has hunted his prey like men.

For hunger, and fear, and passion

Alone drive beasts to slay,

But wonderful man, the crown of the Plan,

Tortures, and kills, FOR PLAY.


He goes well fed from his table;

He kisses his child and wife;

Then he haunts a wood, till he orphans a brood,

Or robs a deer of its life.

He aims at a speck in the azure;

Winged love, that has flown at a call;

It reels down to die, and he lets it lie;

His pleasure was seeing it fall.


The same force formed the sparrow

That fashioned Man, the King;

The God of the Whole gave a spark of soul

To each furred and feathered thing.

And I am my brother's keeper,

And I will fight his fight,

And speak the word for beast and bird,

Till the world shall set things right.


1 word, amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There once was a chocolate labrador

Who'd had his tea, but wanted more

so he raided the bin to see what was in

so now there a mess all over the floor.




There once was a little moggy,

her fur as black as night

A wet button nose, a fluffy tail,

Oh what a lovely sight! :)

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To all of you who donate your time, love and money to rescue, I write this for you...


I'm the dog sat alone in a cage at the pound

I'm the dog brought in for wandering town

I'm the dog whose owner had had enough

I'm the dog they thought had gotten too rough


I'm the dog that was born to the wrong type of Mum

I'm the dog that needs something warm in his tum

I'm the dog considered too ill and too old

I'm the dog that's frightened, outside in the cold


I'm the dog that was bought as a gift for a child

I'm the dog left alone to fend in the wild

I'm the dog they abused and forgot to feed

I'm the dog that was bred to nourish their greed


I'm the dog that you rescued from desperate despair

I'm the dog that you showed had someone to care

I'm the dog with a future, so safe and secure

I'm the dog that will love you forever more


Thank you to all of you for what you do...keep up the good work!

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My family brought me home cradled in their arms

They cuddled me and smiled at me and said I was full of charm.


They played with me, laughed with me and showered me with toys

I sure do love my family, especially the girls and boys.


The children loved to feed me and give me special treats.

They even let me sleep with them all snuggled in the sheets.


I used to go for walks often several times a day.

They even fought to hold the lead I'm very proud to say.


These are things I'll never forget – a cherished memory.

I now live in a rescue shelter - without my family.


They used to laugh and praise me when I played with that old shoe.

But I didn't know the difference between the old ones and the new.


The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours we would tug.

So I thought I did the right thing when I chewed the bedroom rug.


They said that I was out of control and would have to live outside.

This I did not understand although I tried and tried.


The walks stopped one by one; they said they didn't have the time.

I wish I could change things, I wish I knew my crime.


My life became so lonely, in the backyard on a chain.

I barked and barked all day long to keep from going insane.


So they brought me to the shelter but were embarrassed to say why.

They said I caused an allergy, and then kissed me goodbye.


If I'd only had some classes as a little pup.

I wouldn't have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.


'You have only one day left' I heard the worker say.

Does this mean a second chance? Do I go home today?

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