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The pet group poetry thread


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Sorry - just posted that poem in the hope that people would read it *before* they impulsively bought something they weren't ready to commit to. Yes it gets on my nerves when Potato chews a shoe other than her designated shoes, and yeah it's disgusting to go downstairs and find a puppy caked in her own runs - but I wouldn't trade her for the world.

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Here's one of them... any writer would say it was rubbish but I think pet owners understand it :lol:


Do you remember when I had youth?

The time I lost that baby tooth?

I remember you put it in a wooden box

And labelled it 'First Tooth of Fox'

Why did my first collar go in?

And yet that ham went in the bin??


Do you remember that first time

That I understood I'd committed a crime

You picked up the bread, the meat and cheese

And told me that you were not pleased

I realised then, that I was in trouble

And you bent down to give me a cuddle

I licked your face to apologise

And you looked into my big brown eyes.

You laughed, I smiled

And we were reconciled.


Do you remember I would jump and bounce

And all my energy, every ounce

Was used to run and play and bark

You'd tell me that I must not lark

And I'd laugh and continue my unruly aim

And make your pursuit into a game.


Do you remember when I fetched that ball?

You yelled 'Good boy!!' and stood up tall

Then we rolled around in the grass together

And you said that we'd be friends forever.


Don't forget the promise you made

I may be old now and you're afraid

That one day I won't be around

But you bring me joy as I lose my bound

Sit with me and try to see

What a dog perceives the world to be


I want to be with you to the very end

My special person, my forever friend.


And when I'm gone remember this

I'm in your heart living eternal bliss.

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Here's one of them... any writer would say it was rubbish but I think pet owners understand it :lol:


Do you remember when I had youth?

The time I lost that baby tooth?

I remember you put it in a wooden box

And labelled it 'First Tooth of Fox'

Why did my first collar go in?

And yet that ham went in the bin??


Do you remember that first time

That I understood I'd committed a crime

You picked up the bread, the meat and cheese

And told me that you were not pleased

I realised then, that I was in trouble

And you bent down to give me a cuddle

I licked your face to apologise

And you looked into my big brown eyes.

You laughed, I smiled

And we were reconciled.


Do you remember I would jump and bounce

And all my energy, every ounce

Was used to run and play and bark

You'd tell me that I must not lark

And I'd laugh and continue my unruly aim

And make your pursuit into a game.


Do you remember when I fetched that ball?

You yelled 'Good boy!!' and stood up tall

Then we rolled around in the grass together

And you said that we'd be friends forever.


Don't forget the promise you made

I may be old now and you're afraid

That one day I won't be around

But you bring me joy as I lose my bound

Sit with me and try to see

What a dog perceives the world to be


I want to be with you to the very end

My special person, my forever friend.


And when I'm gone remember this

I'm in your heart living eternal bliss.


thats lovely hunny, thought of tia straight awayx

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Mines not as good but i just wanted to put in an old poem i;d written about wolves ... its copywrited :P;)


He is a gentle soft Creature

With fur so soft and warm

And eyes so clear and wild.

A beauty among the trees.


She is so caring and loving

Feeding her new born pups

Never leaving their side

While she hides among the trees.


He hunts for his family

But the animals are sparse

Yet he is a stealthy predator

A carnivore among the trees


The father is old and frail

Unable to hunt and feed

He lies down near his family

And dies among the trees


Son is only just mature and hunting

Moves on farmers land in desperation

His family are slowly starving

A shot among the trees!


They gather on the silent hill,

Grieving for father and son.

They raise their furry heads and howl

A wolf among the trees.

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Wow, this is freaky, I was checking out some family stuff online, and found this poem, written by my Great Aunt Margaret has been posted on all sorts of pet forums, even translated! I read this at her funeral.




I too, would make a Will if I could write

To some poor, wistful, lonely stray

I leave my happy home

My dish, my cosy bed, my cushioned chair, my toy.

The well loved lap, the gentle stroking hand, the loving voice

The place I made on someone's heart.

the love that at the last

Could help me to a peaceful, painless end, held in loving arms.

If I should die

Oh, do not say

"No more a cat I'll have to grieve me by it's loss"

Seek out a lonely, unloved cat and give my place to him.

This is my legacy.

The love I leave behind.

T'is all I have to give.


Margaret Trowton

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