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Rockers night out - where to go?

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Thanks Powerage and Ghostrider, got a little plan forming in my head now! I think we'll have to go in The Sportsman for old times sake.


Whats happening with The Casbah? Is that still on the go. I know it went really downhill and people stopped going in and I know it was supposed to be pulled down with the redevelopment going on round there. As thats all on hold have the owners of The Casbah done anything to get it back to what it used to be? Had some great nights in there after Rebs closed.


Could not agree more !!! In 2004 the CASBAH was in my opinion the best nite out in the Country not just Sheffield :) What the Flippin eck went wrong :huh:

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Too right Vertigo the latest album is fantastic really addictive,the more you listen to it the better it get's, for a sampler of the album





The more you go out and try other bands rather than paying a fortune to see the mainstream stadium bands (which i also do ) This band rocks and write their own stuff as well as doing covers at certain gigs.


No need for me to go to that site, I was there for the entire production of the album :hihi:


I dont know if you know it, but the frontman is a member of this forum...

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That's too sad! Don't let yourself feel like that---pretty yourself up and go out! There's no reason to let the fun stop just because you're older than you were. Life is what you make of it!


That's true. Those days do seem a lifetime away though and I do miss them. It used to take me an hour to get my hair to stand upright and I just loved getting dressed up. I was so young, thin and VERY tall. Ahh well, I AM still tall but youth and an ironing board stomach are just distant memories. I was around at the same time as Trish - remember she always stood by the centre pillar nearest the bar in Rebels. At Roxys everyone always seemed to have their own favourite spot as well, and the same people would be there every time. I seemed to have morphed from a wild Rock chic into a middle aged Mother worrying about my own teenage daughter, my mortgage payments and divorce. Oh my god I need to sort this out - where's the Sportsman and what is the best night to go on?

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That's true. Those days do seem a lifetime away though and I do miss them. It used to take me an hour to get my hair to stand upright and I just loved getting dressed up. I was so young, thin and VERY tall. Ahh well, I AM still tall but youth and an ironing board stomach are just distant memories. I was around at the same time as Trish - remember she always stood by the centre pillar nearest the bar in Rebels. At Roxys everyone always seemed to have their own favourite spot as well, and the same people would be there every time. I seemed to have morphed from a wild Rock chic into a middle aged Mother worrying about my own teenage daughter, my mortgage payments and divorce. Oh my god I need to sort this out - where's the Sportsman and what is the best night to go on?


Its on cambridge st, just up from casbah (which used to be the wap)

As for the best night to go, depends what kind of rock you prefer - fridays is more classic rock whereas saturday is a case of anything goes...

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That's true. Those days do seem a lifetime away though and I do miss them. It used to take me an hour to get my hair to stand upright and I just loved getting dressed up. I was so young, thin and VERY tall. Ahh well, I AM still tall but youth and an ironing board stomach are just distant memories. I was around at the same time as Trish - remember she always stood by the centre pillar nearest the bar in Rebels. At Roxys everyone always seemed to have their own favourite spot as well, and the same people would be there every time. I seemed to have morphed from a wild Rock chic into a middle aged Mother worrying about my own teenage daughter, my mortgage payments and divorce. Oh my god I need to sort this out - where's the Sportsman and what is the best night to go on?


Oh that sounds familiar...an hour to do the hair!! I used to take that long in the late 80s, backcombing my hair to within an inch of it's life then spraying it with a whole can of Insette. I got stared at no end but i didn't care i loved it :hihi::headbang:

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I seemed to have morphed from a wild Rock chic into a middle aged Mother worrying about my own teenage daughter, my mortgage payments and divorce. Oh my god I need to sort this out - where's the Sportsman and what is the best night to go on?


I know that world all too well--went through it a few years back. Rest assured the best times of your life will start when you come out the other side. There's nothing better than getting a fresh start and being able to have your life the way you want it to be.


And that includes going to rock night!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its on cambridge st, just up from casbah (which used to be the wap)

As for the best night to go, depends what kind of rock you prefer - fridays is more classic rock whereas saturday is a case of anything goes...


I think I'll go for the Friday one next time my kiddies are off with their father at the end of this month. Where's the best club to go on afterwards? I feel a night of heavy rock, heavy drinking and s**t loads of fun are in order right about now!!

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I think I'll go for the Friday one next time my kiddies are off with their father at the end of this month. Where's the best club to go on afterwards? I feel a night of heavy rock, heavy drinking and s**t loads of fun are in order right about now!!



That has to be corp, its really the only rock club in the area now (the last few times I have been to casbah, its been mainly indie :gag:)


There has now been a change at the sportsman, on fridays its now 70's - 2000's with classic rock thrown in (due to popular demand)


However, saturdays is still all rock, mainly classic, with up to date stuff thrown in as well :headbang:

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My mates and I used to do The Sportsman regularly until a couple of years ago, around the time they got the DJ in for Saturday evenings. The setlist was okay, but the stuff was played way too loud. I miss the old rickety jukebox they had *sobs*.


Nowadays, we tend to go the Nelson or West Street Live. The former is better mid-week (in my opinion). On Saturday's its quite chilled out upstairs, though the music is a little patchy. Downstairs is pretty awesome but christ they do play it too loud.


West Street Live I used to dislike after the odd night out a few years back where it seemed to get filled with pretentious indie types. Recently though, the Saturday evenings have been pretty good. The live bands vary in quality, but the DJ before/in-between/after is usually quality.


Casbah is almost always better on a Wednesday, unless they have the young long haired DJ downstairs - he'll literally play anything if he's got it. I remember him playing 'White Walls' by Between The Buried and Me (14 minute prog death metal song), because I mentioned in passing that I quite liked prog. :P


Sheffield could really do with one or two more rock bars in town, but what we have got isn't bad at all.

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