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Remember your first pint?


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I attended a 21st party bash at the Plough, Sandygate Road, opposite Hallam's football ground. I was just 18, looked younger but decided this was the night to try it. Dont know why but drank 5 bottles of lager and lime, felt well oiled, nearly fell off the stage playing my guitar. Walked down to Broomhill after for coffee in the Chez Brien. Then walked up to Crosspool in the rain, still blissfully anaesthetised. Takes a darn sight more than 5 halves to light my fire these days!

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I'll never forget it, i was on holiday in switzerland and we were visiting andermatt in the bernese oberland well my dad asked "fancy a pint? i said why not i am 18 now, he brought me out a huge 2 pint pot of beer which on that summers day went down a treat.

The view of the zermatt matterhorn wasn't bad either

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I found most English beer pretty vile stuff ,Everhards best bitter not bad & Idid like I.P.A but had to change when told REAL men dont drink half pints,I do love Canadian beer ,always served ice cold.

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What about the taste of that first pint though? Like anything that's new to you, that very first pint tasted unlike any other drink since.


Did you actually like that taste? Did you drink it because your mates did (and in fact, you actually hated it?).


As I said earlier, I started on lager, a drink whose taste I was already familiar with. But I soon moved onto beer (bitter) although I'm not sure why. Whitbread, John Smith and Tetley. That first truly bitter taste was both magnificent and in a strange sense, quite nasty. I must have been determined because I stuck at it.


I wish nowadays that bitter could taste like that first pint which to untrained tastebuds tasted really strong. Now my buds are all too familiar with the taste of bitter (and lager and stout ad infinitum) every drink tastes like a diet version.


I moved from John Smith to Magnet (still my favourite pint) and of course abso-bloody-lutely love the taste of the stuff.


Altogether now, as Homer Simpson would say: 'Ah, beer, mmmmmmmm.'

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Following on from Ousetunes, I remember the first time I tried Tetleys bitter in the Crosspool Tavern in 1960, it did, indeed taste vile. I tried a bottle of guiness. That very nearly came straight back. I stuck at it, persevering through gritted teeth. To call yourself a man you had to be able to shift at least 4 pints of bitter and 10 parkies on a Friday night. This was a warm up for the Saturday night when we'd be at the Nailmakers in Norton before going to the dance hall to see Vance Arnold and the Avengers.

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Can't remember the name of the pub. It was/is on Abbey Lane (the bit between Whirlodale Road and Ecclesall Rd South) set back from the road, a Stones house. Aged 14 (just) 2 mates and I decided that if we wore suits we could get served if we picked on an older person's pub try. It worked too!


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on holiday in newquay I was 16:hihi: years old- me and my twin and these mates we had made who were local newquay scallies decided to go into this little village called crantock just outside newquay and get kettled. we bought some bacardi from the londis shop and 20 b&h silver and consumed them on the beach at sunset and got wasted then i decided to brave it- put on a sober face and try the cornishman pub for a pint- even though i was dolled up like a tart with a sunburnt face- i managed to buy 6 pints a fosters and they tasted soooooo sweet!!!!! got nuff respect off me cronies for that.:hihi:

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My first pint was in the phesant at the lane top but my second was in the hoffbrau house on arundal gate. I was about 15 and a mate who was a lot older took me in. It was a saturday lunch time and there were strippers on stage. I`ve not been the same since.

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Can’t remember my first pint as such, but remember a group of us always stood round the jukebox in the Turff,Rotherham town centre.

Pint of larger for me, half with lime for my girlfriend and still have change from a £1 note to put a few records on the juke box( no cd player in my day), remember giving it a kick every now and then if the record got stuck.



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