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English Defence League Demo in Sheffield (30th May 2010)

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Yep I'm a new user - thanks for the welcome:)


Welcomes :)


As a new user it would be worth having a scan of the terms of use of the forum and see if you think your opinion would be in breach of any... We are all entitled to our opinion and we are thankfully blessed with (almost) universal free speech, but defamation is a bit of a no-no.


As for the EDL, I don't support their charter, aims or even views, but I support their right to protest, as long as it is conducted lawfully, responsibly, respectfully and without inciting violence.

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oh woop woop.


what a fantastic excuse for all sides to ignore the issues and engage in a bit of mutual mouth-frothing.


'anti-fascist' league of ego vs cheap BNP rent-a-mob.


score zero for democracy.


...<snip>... [insert any 'political' group]... but I support their right to protest, as long as it is conducted lawfully, responsibly, respectfully and without inciting violence.


but this I do agree with. ;)

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dgt4343. I don't have feelings either way about EDL, but I do know this: I was unaware they would be in Sheffield, until you just gave them and their event a free plug to the whole city. First rule of PR is, if you really want to kill it, keep silent about it.

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Calling a nazi a nazi is not defamation.


Well it's justifiable defamation, and wouldn't land you in trouble. However the EDL would presumably deny being Nazis. What a court would decide I have no idea!



I agree with most other comments; just let them have their demonstration in peace and quiet with a total audience of zero. Feeding the trolls just makes them stronger.

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But isn't the danger that they then point to their demos and say "look, no-one disagrees with us, we are the voice of the people"


They probably would claim that, but it's fairly easy to point out that nobody agrees with them either, because not a single local Sheffielder turned up except for the members themselves.


A counter-demonstration and violence is a worse outcome, to my eyes.

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