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English Defence League Demo in Sheffield (30th May 2010)

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oh look, the Swappies are on SF, big split there now, eh?,with Lyndsey and others resigning


Eh? Is "swappies" people who support the SWP? Just because you know of the existence of something, it doesn't mean you are a supporter of it.... C'mon, that's very easy to understand surely?! :suspect:


I've no idea what the rest of your post is about but it's obviously irrelevant to this thread, which is about the EDL demo in Sheffield on 30th May. If you look carefully, you'll see the clue is in the title.

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MY post is emphasising the 'arse about tit' nature of the lefts approach to the far right,it is ignoring the issues that are contributing to the rise of these groups in favour of international issues(however poignant) such as Palestine, These groups such as the EDL are clearly not growing in a political vacuum,there are distinct reasons why they are emerging. A political response is surely necessary, not a farcial staged battle on the streets. As for the SWP, no matter what they say in their rag, the facts are, they are obsessed with identity politics as the recent debacle (now abandoned by them) with Respect indicated.



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MY post is emphasising the 'arse about tit' nature of the lefts approach to the far right,it is ignoring the issues that are contributing to the rise of these groups in favour of international issues(however poignant) such as Palestine, These groups such as the EDL are clearly not growing in a political vacuum,there are distinct reasons why they are emerging. A political response is surely necessary, not a farcial staged battle on the streets. As for the SWP,no matter what they say in their rag, the facts are they are obsessed with identity politics as the recent debacle(now abandoned by them) with Respect indicated.



the left is far from purely supporters of the swp etc tho, unlike the right who generally ALL lick the arse of the bnp........and it seems the EDL


I myself get classed as left but ive always hated the swp and militant almost as much as the NF and BNP

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Nah it was sub-OK. Very poor infact.


The first opened with a factually incorrect claim that a few seconds research would have disproved, then drifted into a disconnected string of peculiar claims that is hard to make any sense of.


The second post is - as far as I can tell - some bizarre attempt at goading SWP members.


Do try to make sure your posts are factually correct, written clearly and consistently and - most of all - are on topic.


EDIT: In fairness the third post was better-written and makes much more sense as an argument (whether correct or not). I always thought Palestine is a lefty issue and that the right are all in support of Israel? I doubt that Palestinian issues enter the mind of the EDL thugs.

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are you a student? top marks for pedantry!, this is a discussion board,i was expounding on the reasons for the growth of such groups as the EDL,i also think sadly there will be more.


Wow, more clumsy stereotyping.

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top marks for pedantry!


Pedantic: overly concerned with minute details or formalisms.


Nah my replies to you do not meet the definition of pedantic. But am I being pedantic by pointing out that you have misused the word "pedantry"? ;)


Anyway, I think you started typing that before I edited my post to be more fair.


this is a discussion board


Aye, hence my attempts to get you to discuss rather than goad.


I think your broader point of the EDL "not growing in a political vacuum" (nice way of phrasing it) is true. It's obvious from their videos that they are thugs with little education and little world experience. It's easy to whip such people up into a frenzy of hatred, especially if you give them some group to target.


They won't get a direct political response because politicians never admit that demos change anything.


I wonder what they actually expect to achieve? They are against Jihadi nutters? So are almost everyone in the country, save a few extremists. Or are they just the BNP in different guise and are actually against anyone who is different to them?

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How is standing silent whilst a racist group marches in opposition to people's basic rights protecting anyone's freedoms?


If you value freedom of speech and of protest you should exercise it.


You have your right to freedom of speech so why should the EDL not have the same right and what about there right to march.


I am not a support of the EDL but I am a big believer in our rights and we all have the same rights.

It is a very dangerous path we will be walking on if we allow the rights of one group of people to be taken away.


The right to freedom of speech has to apply to every body or no body, do you want to lose your freedom of speech and if you don't like what they say just don't listen

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