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English Defence League Demo in Sheffield (30th May 2010)

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You have your right to freedom of speech so why should the EDL not have the same right and what about there right to march.


I am not a support of the EDL but I am a big believer in our rights and we all have the same rights.

It is a very dangerous path we will be walking on if we allow the rights of one group of people to be taken away.


The right to freedom of speech has to apply to every body or no body, do you want to lose your freedom of speech and if you don't like what they say just don't listen


Yes but EDL's supposed original target was 'Islam for UK' which HAS now been banned. Isn't it time that the govt now did the same with this bunch of fascists?

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You have your right to freedom of speech so why should the EDL not have the same right and what about there right to march.


I am not a support of the EDL but I am a big believer in our rights and we all have the same rights.

It is a very dangerous path we will be walking on if we allow the rights of one group of people to be taken away.


The right to freedom of speech has to apply to every body or no body, do you want to lose your freedom of speech and if you don't like what they say just don't listen


none of us have the freedom of speech, action.....it ALWAYS ends with somebody trying to take away somebody elses, or stifle somebody elses life

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You have your right to freedom of speech so why should the EDL not have the same right and what about there right to march.


Sure. The Voltaire quote of "I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it" should be a principle adopted by all.


Until it reaches the point of inciting violence or racial hatred.


And if other folk want to turn up on the same day to express their view opposing the EDL then... Voltaire is their friend also.


And yes you can apply the same argument to a few nutty radicals who want to have a coffin protest at a military homecoming... although they shouldn't be too surprised if they get an almost military response.


Free speech is great. What a shame that eejuts of all persuasions cannot use it responsibly!

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Yes but EDL's supposed original target was 'Islam for UK' which HAS now been banned. Isn't it time that the govt now did the same with this bunch of fascists?


Wrong. It was set up in response to Ahle Sunnah al Jamah – a splinter group from the banned extremist group al-Muhajiroun. They lined the streets to call the returning (Alive) Anglian Troops "Murderers, Terrorists, Rapists and Child Killers"

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Wrong. It was set up in response to Ahle Sunnah al Jamah – a splinter group from the banned extremist group al-Muhajiroun. They lined the streets to call the returning (Alive) Anglian Troops "Murderers, Terrorists, Rapists and Child Killers"


the thing is (they are allegedlly against and protesting against EXTREMIST islam)




all the photos of their protests ive seen have had banners saying things like "no mosques" which to me means they dont like islam at all

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So are people allowed to protest against them or do we just ignore them?


Protest? Thats OK I suppose. Cause disorder, panic, damage to property? Thats not OK.


I tell you what too, even better than protesting = trying to understand the problem and work through the myths and mis-understanding to find a way forward..

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"The EDL was formed on the 27th of June, 2009 due to frustration at the lack of any significant action by the British Government against extremist Muslim preachers and organisations such as Islam4UK, Hizb ut Tahrir, the Islamic Forum of Europe, the Muslim Council of Britain - the list goes on."


I think you're both right. Now perhaps I am being pedantic.

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the thing is (they are allegedlly against and protesting against EXTREMIST islam)




all the photos of their protests ive seen have had banners saying things like "no mosques" which to me means they dont like islam at all


Indeed. Like Eastbank - didn't know the difference between Muslims and Islamists and said he couldn't be arsed to find out.

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Yes but EDL's supposed original target was 'Islam for UK' which HAS now been banned. Isn't it time that the govt now did the same with this bunch of fascists?


Islam for the uk should not have been banned becouse it is a breach of their freedom of speech and neither should the EDL be banned.


I see the word fascists a lot on this site but fascism is the hatred of people of a different race or religion or the hatred of somebody else's politics and the way they think so does that not make all the people that hate the fascists a type of fascist themselves and if so should their right to freedom of speech be taken away from them.

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