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English Defence League Demo in Sheffield (30th May 2010)

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You still can be kicked out, even if your a gold member, its the life members who are more important now.


Considering everything Mark Collett has done, it take quite a bit to get kicked out.


Defecting to the NF was rather an unusual exit for the "non-racist" Cllr John Gamble.



This regional organiser made a more honest exit, leaving the bigotry behind:


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Germany and Britains history are very similar. The people and their states have largely evolved in similar ways, except for anomalies like Hitler, who was only a creation of the sanctions put on to Germany at the end of world war 1. What has not evolved in similar ways are the massive amount of muslim immigrants coming to Europe now, and the European countrys and people that are expected to "host" these immigrants. The extent of the different historical evolutions in cultural values, physical appearance and attitude cannot simply be overcome in a few generations of mass immigration.


I agree with you that the Germans are the nearest country to us in Europe with regard to similarity. I don't agree with you that Hitler was an anomaly though. You've only got to look at Britain's 'Empire building' & slave trade & you hardly can say we are without absolution! People tend to have short memories. I think it is hard for us to take the moral high ground against another when we've hardly been saints. Just look on Wikepedia about the Boer war & concentration camps & you might see where Nazi Germany got that idea from. Lots of people I've mentioned this to were suprised when they read this & the country seems to have found it convienient to forget! WHAT I DO TAKE EXCEPTION TO THOUGH, is that we are to blame for our forefathers mistakes. They made those mistakes not us!



The majority of German people I have met have been thoroughly nice & decent! Of course there are exceptions but there are with every country!!!

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I agree with you that the Germans are the nearest country to us in Europe with regard to similarity. I don't agree with you that Hitler was an anomaly though. You've only got to look at Britain's 'Empire building' & slave trade & you hardly can say we are without absolution! People tend to have short memories. I think it is hard for us to take the moral high ground against another when we've hardly been saints. Just look on Wikepedia about the Boer war & concentration camps & you might see where Nazi Germany got that idea from. Lots of people I've mentioned this to were suprised when they read this & the country seems to have found it convienient to forget! WHAT I DO TAKE EXCEPTION TO THOUGH, is that we are to blame for our forefathers mistakes. They made those mistakes not us!



The majority of German people I have met have been thoroughly nice & decent! Of course there are exceptions but there are with every country!!!




There is always one. :rolleyes:


Why do people have to mention the war?

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Despite what we think of the German Nazis of WWII, National Socialism in itself doesn't necessarily mean any discrimination amongst the inhabitants of a country does it?


I think it would mean, here, looking after the UK/Britain/England first (as opposed to the wider world), and shouldn't mean any sort of differentiation internally.


I'd guess the EDL see it differently though.....but as a political idea, it's scarred by association with Hitler's Germany, which is a shame.

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If the EDL did get beat up I wouldn't lose no sleep over it but I don't agree with damage to property etc.


Nobody is electing nobody to decide what happens on our streets but for every action there is a reaction. The EDL will get the response they deserve because its getting to the point where innocent muslims like myself are getting sick of being vilified and looked at with suspicion due to the actions of extremists who use Islam to justify there actions.


So you wouldn't want any property damaged but you are happy for people to get beat up because you don't like their beliefs? How exactly will that help change beliefs. Sounds like the extremism you say you don't like.


In all honesty - and I know I'm not the first to say this either - we need more 'sensible' muslims to stand up and be seen to be saying that the extremists don't represent them; I think you're doing that to a degree here, and that's good.


Ultimately, good reasons appeal to people. And open, honest debates is the way to change people's views so thay can at least accept other views and beliefs - not thinking it's okay for them to get beaten because they have a different view.

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The NF had nearly a hundred in London alone.


A brief history lesson:


Thanks for those, but not convinced they had that many. I have looked through many sources and can't find any reference to NF councillors in them.

I thought the BNP were accredited as being by far the most successful British fascist party? Prepared to be proved wrong though.

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