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English Defence League Demo in Sheffield (30th May 2010)

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The problem with EDL is that they claim to be simply anti-fundamentalist Islamism. So which representation of radical Islamism are they going to be protesting against in Sheffield? 'None' is my guess, since we don't have Mosques controlled by Islamists. So they're just here to have a ruck, aren't they?

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The problem with EDL is that they claim to be simply anti-fundamentalist Islamism. So which representation of radical Islamism are they going to be protesting against in Sheffield? 'None' is my guess, since we don't have Mosques controlled by Islamists. So they're just here to have a ruck, aren't they?


Teabag all mosques are run by Islamists are they not?

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Its not before time they have every right to march through sheffield wat is it the UAF and the socialist traitors party fear about them:suspect:


I hope they march through a majority muslim population area like Page Hall, Darnall Tinsley or Nether Edge and see what response they get.

They only march through city centres because they know that cctv is all over the place.

The EDL stand for nothing, they are just a bunch of football hooligans looking for trouble without getting a football banning order!!

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I was recently in Nottingham and saw the EDL protest. To me, it simply looked like a bunch of Football fans walking with a few British/English flags and chanting EDL. There was no property damaged, nobody was attacked or racially abused from what I saw, although admittedly I was with them for maybe only half a mile as they were taking the same course as me from the train station into the City Centre.


Get to the Lace Market and there was a bigger gathering of Left Wing types, who were fighting with the police, throwing things, chanting hateful things about kill the Nazi scum etc. I know which side seemed to be the loony extremists from what I saw then.


If the EDL want to protest, let them. There are wider social issues with this, don't just try to brush it off as them being "Nazi's". Listen to the message they convey. It is a subject which is a problem in our society (lack of understanding about Islam) and needs addressing in the wider stage. Ignoring and rubbishing it will only make it grow. As for there not being Islam extremists, I would say I believe this to be incorrect. What about the meeting held in Pitsmoor on Christmas Day that was - according to the flyers - for "Muslim Brothers only". The agenda was organising to fight against the EDL.


I've grown up and my politics are moving left all the time, but I can't get my head around the attitude of "the Left never cause trouble, its all down to the right". This is clearly RUBBISH and both sides are as bad as each other - until this changes I will never fully buy into the Left Wing Socialist argument and will forever be stuck in the middle.


Wake up and smell the coffee.

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Teabag all mosques are run by Islamists are they not?


No, Islamism is a radical political movement which has a lot in common with fascism or Stalinism. It aims to impose a dictatorship on many nations. While all Islamists are (ostensibly at least) Muslims, far from all Muslims are Islamists. The Islamist by Ed Hussein is a useful book to read if you want to understand the difference.

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There are no bigger "fashists" than the left wing protesters,

After all the left have utterly failed the working man in this country and actively try to intimidate anyone who says so,


At least these EDL people are proud to be British and don't fear saying so,


But I always think that when people use the term "Nazi" to discribe the BNP and other right wing parties it degrades what Nazism actualy is,

In the UK we have the British Nazi Party and they get even less votes than the socialist's,

read their policies they are very right wing and dangerous indeed !,

These EDL people arn't as bad as they are often made out to be in the left wing media,


Il not be going to any marches for either side,



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There are no bigger "fashists" than the left wing protesters,

After all the left have utterly failed the working man in this country and actively try to intimidate anyone who says so,


At least these EDL people are proud to be British and don't fear saying so,


But I always think that when people use the term "Nazi" to discribe the BNP and other right wing parties it degrades what Nazism actualy is,

In the UK we have the British Nazi Party and they get even less votes than the socialist's,

read their policies they are very right wing and dangerous indeed !,

These EDL people arn't as bad as they are often made out to be in the left wing media,


Il not be going to any marches for either side,




They're a bunch of tossers.

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