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Who do you want IN next general election!!

General Election, who do you want??  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. General Election, who do you want??

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Labour................... won't give us a great deal more than we already have. But will take less away from us than the Tories will


How do you work that one out? They've amassed the biggest national debt in this countries history! Are you advocating that Labour will be a bad debtor & simply not pay it back??? Either party will screw us as it's signed up to a national debt that needs paying back.

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Does that mean that screaming little nappy filling scrote next door can vote then?


Well CheekyBandit has voted 3 times on this poll for 3 parties so who knows. They've let how many through the leaky borders & can't find them so I'm not holding out much hope for a truely fair ballot!

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My bold....I would like to know how he managed that though :huh:


SIMPLES...Looks like the poll is registered to a computers I.P address rather than log in / user name. 3 seperate computers.....3 seperate votes.

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Labour. I remember what Thatcher did. It's as simple as that.


another one - proves my point about why Labour even stand a chance! So you vote on matters now based on the state of play nearly 30 years ago.... Conservatives or Labor. I have that Thatcher, Labour it is!

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You seem to be saying that the majority of people who vote labour only do it because they are working class and therefore probably a bit thick. It's a typical presumption which only serves to demonstrate that the person who would say such a thing is the one who is culturally ignorant and prejudiced against people not of their own class background, and it's exactly this arrogant attitude which is displayed by so many tories, that loses them elections.


I notice that the Thatcherites are still trying to blame all the economic woes of last 50 years on union activities that happened during a few short years in the 1970s, but they have gone curiously quiet on that other main plank of their dogma - that everything will be great if we just remove all obstacles in the way of capitalists making profits - since thier chums in the financial sector screwed up the economy on an unprecedented scale.


I'm saying from first hand experience that I have heard many people in Sheffield saying, we vote Labour end of! I'm not arsed what their policies are, the conservatives can f**k off, and Thatcher can die yada yada... No all Labour voters are working class or thick and the vast majority of ALL voters or ALL parties are working class including me and even many people who have assets worth more than a couple of million and a Lambo on the drive are only working class so this Tories hate the working classes is balls used by someone who thinks everyone on more than the national average wage is actually middle class. In America perhaps.... Not here.....


Whats more to counter with 'and it's exactly this arrogant attitude which is displayed by so many tories, that loses them elections' kind of kills your argument about stereotyping unless 'you tories are ignorant and so are we' is an argument!


Lastly, I've heard many Labourites prattle on about how the economic mess is all Thatchers fault but never heard anyone blame it on the millitant unions of the 70's and 80's in respect to that comment, words actually fail me!

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If you had to have a fight with yourself who would win??? I'll tell you... no one & thats what happened. Don't let anyone tell you we won WW2 as there were no winners only losers)


I've gone off topic.....where were we...yes thinking for yourself!!


Your quite right there!

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