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Who do you want IN next general election!!

General Election, who do you want??  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. General Election, who do you want??

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They were the ones who tempted in all those Japanese industies such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Toshiba, Fujitsu. You remember them. They are the industries that New Labour is frightening away.


and there was also the poll tax

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That's typical of Liebore.


You'd like us to believe these lies (both Bories and Liebore) as it maintains the status quo. A bit like we were told at the locals - where your lot lost power to the Glib Dims (who seem to be better at running the city than Libore).


Quit with the scaremongering and accept defeat like men.



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and there was also the poll tax


As opposed to the council tax that Labour didn't spend on what it should??? Supertram went bankrupt and was sold at a loss, Don Valley which holds the athletics once a year & the odd pop concert every ten years. (Lib Dems have at least got some revenue coming back from Millers games) Hardly prudent fiscal investements with tax payers money by Labour. I'd sooner they just built one of the two & put some tarmac on the roads to attract investment into the city, creating jobs.


Ask yourself would you manufacture anything in this city other than steel with the state of the roads? This government (& when we had a labour council) take your money in taxes, & don't spend it on what they should!!! The logistics & transport network in this city are a disgrace!

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Vote liebore you know you can trust them:rolleyes:


Revealed: Labour’s cash for influence scandal.


A FORMER Labour cabinet minister has boasted about how he used his government contacts to change policies in favour of businesses.


Stephen Byers, former trade and transport secretary, was secretly recorded offering himself “like a sort of cab for hire” for up £5,000 a day. He also suggested bringing Tony Blair to meet clients.



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Anyone watch that program about politics last night with Michael Portillo?


All about giving politics back to the people with elected police chiefs & mayors & all that? That would be a start to break down the 'old boy network'! Anyone notice how the permanent secretary in places such as the Home Office is always Sir such and such, or the head of the Metropolitan Police is Sir such and such. Knights of the realm just like you and me :rolleyes:


Now don't get me wrong i've got no issues with class, but I can see that those who do, have a bit of a point when they say that the people who are suppose to represent them are not that representative!!!!


One of the new Mayor of Doncasters first jobs was to reduce his own wage from £70k to £30k. They interviwed all sorts of councillors in Doncaster including Labour ones (see attached link later) who said his ideas & policies were gimics or toothless, but I find that a bit rich, and to me it could be the old boy network defending their cushy high paid jobs. Anyone remember Ron Rose in Doncaster??????


23 councillors convicted for expences fraud!!!! Jogging your memory people?


If you hate the tories vote independant instead.


For all those thinking of voting Labour read this, as this is how they behave with the public purse i.e our money from taxes.....



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Currently this poll is showing:


Labour on 38.24%


Tories on 25.00%


I'll take that at the General Election :thumbsup:


Dream on mate! All the 'keyboard warriors' on here are Labour Supporters!


68 votes so far from a popultaion of about 65-68 million. Representative then!!!




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Which must include you then, welcome aboard....




Not voted Labour since John Smith mate & don't intend to so, don't group me with you. I hate them, especially since the bail out of the bankers, leaving manufacturing to rot when they get most of their party funds from manufacturing unions :loopy::loopy:.


You can call me a 'keyboard warrior' by all means, but don't include me as a Labour voter!


Wait for the 3pence of a gallon of juice first of April. See how the polls go then?

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