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The worst thing ever to happen to you!

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Well it wasn't really the worse thing but it very easily could have been!! :D

I was at Theddlethorpe beach in July this year. While my mum and dad and sister were setting up the beach stuff I decided to run down to the sea with my two dogs.

I got halfway down there when my dog gets down and pees on something. I had a look and I saw that she had just peed on a bomb!! It wasn't a very big bomb and it was rusted up but It still could've been live.

So I wasn't really sure that it was one so I just carried on messing around. Half an hour later my mum walked down to me and I showed her the bomb. She didn't believe it was one either so I thought that I should pick it up and take it to my dad ( cos he's into all this stuff ) . Anyway lucky for me I didn't pick it up because it looked too heavy.

I told my dad who still didn't believe me so I showed him and then he did. Heh heh. :D

He freaked out and made me guard it while he phoned the coastguard, who phoned the police, who then phoned the navy. Another hour later, after guarding it for ages, two thick coppers turned up and just stared at it for a while. Then they guarded it.

Yet another hour later, after I'd taken great pleasure in telling people about it ( who then quickly left the beach ), the tide had come in and they're was still no sign of the navy.

I asked the coppers and they said that the navy was coming from Portsmouth in a boat to blow it up. It seemed kinda strange to me as they're is a army base pretty close by.

Anyway I still don't know what happened to my bomb because I had to go home so I missed the action.

I went back there a few days later to find some wreckage ( to make a necklace out of ) but I didn't find anything. They must've taken it away to blow it up.

That was my favourite beach and it tried to assasinate me!! :lol:

Ah well. It was still pretty cool!! :)


Hey I just thought, I could've been a victim of a war that happened fifty years ago!! Also I had been thinking in the car that nothing exiting ever happens to me!! The irony!! :D

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I can beat u all!!!


I was about 15/16 on my way to school on the bus. the bus was crammed. Anyway as I was leaving the bus by means of the steps you enter and exit from, I decided to glance at the sky and the sun came out from behind a cloud and blinded me :o I missed my footing and fell out of the bus on to the pavement!!! If that wasnt bad enough I was in shock! I felt my ankle swelling up and I started silently crying from the pain. People kept walking passed me and some asked if i was alright and others laughed. I think I was more bothered by the shame than my ankle. Luckily someone i knew was on the bus and came to my help. I tried to stand up but I couldnt. She had to get the school nurse!:o To my horror she came with a wheelchair. I protested I could walk, but finally limped into the chair. I had to be wheeled into the school, but all the school windows faced the front so everyone saw!! OH THE HUMILIATION :(:o:(:o Lets just say I got lots of cards saying sorry you BUS-ted your leg. I can feel the blush now, lol.



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Ha! I can top that!! I did something very similar when 17 and drunk outside a kebab shop back in essex. Me and my mate were having a 'who can kick the highest up this lamp post' competition. I was losing so I decided to *really* go for it. I was, unforunately, not very good, and kicked to high to keep my balance. This resulted in my falling hard on my right wrist, which sprained.


Not too bad, I hear you cry, until you realise that the kebab shop was opposite the cinema, which had an enormous queue of maybe 150 people waiting to see some premiere or other.


The shame!


I did get a standing ovation though!!!

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May I say how pleased I am that your "worst" things are not really all that bad


I reckoned no-one would post to this at all, most people's "worst thing" you wouldnt want to know, they arent the kind of thing you gossip about in a place like this


Big hugs all round

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I've done meany embaressing things such as walking into numerous lamp posts, falling in a puddle right in front of the dinner queue at school, jumping down some steps showing off to mates and falling nearly knocking myself out.


I once got an a bus carrying loads of shopping, including a bag of spuds, the bus jerked I fell into an old bloke sat at the front, nearly knocked him out with the spuds and made his wife scream!:D The bus was jam packed aswell so I had to sit there with everyone looking at me like I was deranged.


A particulary embaressing moment happened when I was about 15. I was walking with my friend when we noticed some nice looking lads across the road, well I was so busy giving them the eye that I didn't see a car pulling out of a driveway, it hit me, knocking me over!!! and I had a right bruise on my leg but it was my pride which was really bruised. Incidently we didn't pull the lads they laughed at me and carried on walking.


My sister is also as daft as me. When we were about 11 we were doing cartwheels showing off to a group of boys when my sister did one they all laughed their heads off, she was wearing a skirt and forgotten to put her knickers on!:D

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