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EDL march - Bolton 20th March 2010

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I don't think they'll all tuck their bombs up and run home because they aren't wanted here though, do you? I think they must know people don't like being blown up but they do it anyway. The only people these demo's affect are the innocent moderates. Man, people are dumb (not aimed at you :D).


I think you're right. However there are many people who are very angry that there are people in the UK who are "Islamic extremists", and feel that nothing is being done about it. They vent their anger at these demos, fly their flags, show their placards, and probably feel a lot better for doing so. A protest is a protest........


Did the protesters in London with their extreme views about non-Muslims thing that we would go and behead ourselves? Probably not....but they must have taken something away from doing it.

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I think you're right. However there are many people who are very angry that there are people in the UK who are "Islamic extremists", and feel that nothing is being done about it. They vent their anger at these demos, fly their flags, show their placards, and probably feel a lot better for doing so. A protest is a protest........


Did the protesters in London with their extreme views about non-Muslims thing that we would go and behead ourselves? Probably not....but they must have taken something away from doing it.


But, when the price of making yourself feel better causes a section of innocent people to be targeted by ignorant, easily influenced morons, do you think that's a fair trade-off?

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But, when the price of making yourself feel better causes a section of innocent people to be targeted by ignorant, easily influenced morons, do you think that's a fair trade-off?


Again, very good point.


A previous post stated that the UAF only existed to counter the views of right wing groups........I personally think that the EDL marches counter the marches from hardcore Islamists......I don't think I need to point out the exact ones.


I would love a UK that did not have divisive groups and that these marches had no purpose, but unfortunately they do....


As for these marches painting all Muslims with the same brush...I see your point but maybe the extreme Islamic protesters should have more concern about doing this than the EDL ones?

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No, but I know many who do and I can understand why.




Only just heard of it, I doubt they would give me one anyhow, although it would be nice to own one again.




I'd quite like you to give the links for this. In the general election, they had the largest percentage swing in favour after the Conservatives. Support increased in every part of South Yorkshire except Hallam.



Neither, I support the green party, and I don't have to resort to childish name calling like yourself after making unfounded allegations.




I fail to see the relevance of any of that, I asked you, "Please provide proof or retract your claim.".


You've posted lies and made false allegations, then got abusive and done it again. Along with hosting a whole host of relevant information.


If you oppose the BNP, acknowledge the truth, figure out why people have turned to them, both by voting and protesting and try and work out a sensible strategy to reduce support.


Going off like an idiot only makes you look stupid. When you oppose them and look stupid by going of like an idiot, you do no favours for the anti bnp movement, by lying you do even more damage.


So once again I ask you, "Please provide proof or retract your claim."


So, you understand why people support a party you admit you know nothing about, you dishonestly claimed bnp support was rising when it was falling, and you fail to see why it's relevant that the bnp have serious criminals in senior positions in the party.



You forgot to add that they are also being investigated by the Met for possible libel on their election leaflets




And that they were busted by the Telegraph trying to ship in council candidates from outside Barking and three could be disqualified for committing electoral fraud.




Its all well moaning about Law and Democracy but I wonder why the BNP cant seem to set the standard they claim they are making.


Here's the man you defend chemist, convicted race hate criminal Griffin:


“Within the next five years, the indigenous people of London will be a minority,” barked Griffin, as jubilant Labour supporters taunted him with shouts of “Out, out, out!” “It is going to be too late for Barking, but it is not too late for Britain.”


By then, though, no one was listening.


In the next 12 hours, Griffin’s worst fears were realised – and even exceeded.



The party was thrashed in its two key parliamentary constituencies of Barking and Stoke Central.



Its record number of council and parliamentary candidates failed to make a single breakthrough; and of the 28 BNP councillors standing for re-election, all but two were beaten.


But the Barking and Dagenham council election result was the most dramatic.



The BNP had plans to take control of the authority – instead, it lost every one of its councillors there.


Twelve elected in 2006.



Twelve thrown out in 2010.



A ruthless purge, more shocking because they didn’t see it coming.


Neither, for that matter, did their opponents.



It was the miracle of Barking.






If you support the bnp then you should have the courage to admit it chemist, but please don't post made-up lies to defend a party you admit you know next to nothing about.

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the EDL like confontation because they cannot get it at the football anymore but they are not all right wing and some are coloured...they just like a good drink and a tear up...and at present the UAF are their main rivals...just like a celtic v rangers conflict...

there numbers grow every time they get together....not political but most just like the drink..the aggro...and its always on a saturday


A very accurate analysis. I think though that the leadership are at risk of losing control of at least some of the movement, now that Combat18, the National Front and the British Freedom Fighters are sniffing around. There's already been some rucking between the Chelsea Headhunters (racist football firm) and some non-white EDL activists.

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Isn't the EDL leader a Sikh? they also have a few coloured people in there.


In India, there is commonly extreme violence perpetrated by Sikh, Hindu and Muslim extremists, in which innocent people get killed. Listening to what Mr. Singh has to say, I wonder whether he is trying to import that to the UK. Not welcome.

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Isn't the EDL leader a Sikh? they also have a few coloured people in there.


So they've found a Sikh and a few blacks who dont like Muslims? It doesn't necessarily give their message any more credence.

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