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EDL march - Bolton 20th March 2010

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it is true that the organisers are having trouble keeping out the thuggish element,in newcastle saturday loads were spoiling for a fight...but the police kept a lid on it...reported in the sunday sun...north east paper....

the edl numbers are growing though every time they meet...probably march again when england play in the world cup..


The EDL's problem is that they don't really have a clear programme. It's not like they are using the marches to feed into their other political activity - the marches are all they do. Unless they manage to trigger a riot, which is what they seem intent on, after a while people will get bored and stop going along. It's all pretty aimless.


People who go along to fight with them are missing the point and play into their hands. It wouldn't take many weekends of them travelling to towns and cities, standing around behind a police cordon looking at some counter-protesters, and going home again for them to get fed up and give it up. People should protest against them if they want to, but violent confrontation is what the EDL want, so we shouldn't give it to them.

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  • 1 month later...
The EDL's problem is that they don't really have a clear programme. It's not like they are using the marches to feed into their other political activity - the marches are all they do. Unless they manage to trigger a riot, which is what they seem intent on, after a while people will get bored and stop going along. It's all pretty aimless.


People who go along to fight with them are missing the point and play into their hands. It wouldn't take many weekends of them travelling to towns and cities, standing around behind a police cordon looking at some counter-protesters, and going home again for them to get fed up and give it up. People should protest against them if they want to, but violent confrontation is what the EDL want, so we shouldn't give it to them.



It's only a minority who turn up looking to cause trouble so don't let the facts get in the way of a good news story eh!.


I will be attending the demo at Dudley on the 17th July the reason i am going is to protest against scum like Abu Hamza Anjem Choudary & Zakir Naik & their extremeist scum supporters.


I have had enough of extremeist scum like them taking the micky out of our country they are quite happy to take the benefits on hand and the free healthcare, they abuse our troops threaten to kill us! it's time our the people and our Government stood up these vile people.



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The main problem with the EDL is that they're a bunch of football hooligans with a website.


Many EDL members are ex-BNP members and we all know how many sex offenders and paedophiles are in the bnp.


Scratch the surface of the EDL and a more sinister ideology begins to emerge. They claim that all people who attend a mosque should be ‘monitored for any radical inclination’. That isn’t targeting extremists. That is targeting all Muslims.


So much for the ‘philosophy’ of the EDL. We saw the reality in Bolton on Saturday, just as we did during a similar march in Manchester last October. A couple of thousand black-clad, angry men waving the St George Cross and preaching hate. An unholy alliance of far-right footsoldiers and former football hooligans with little to do on a Saturday since the game became an expensive, sit-down, ’sanitised’ affair. A group who have to be ordered, on their own website, not to sing offensive songs about Allah because it doesn’t suit the image they are trying – unsuccessfully – to build.


In Manchester, I saw one protester waving an Israeli flag while a second, marching behind, raised his arm in a Nazi salute. The terrible irony was clearly lost on both.





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I will be attending the demo at Dudley on the 17th July the reason i am going is to protest against scum like Abu Hamza Anjem Choudary & Zakir Naik & their extremeist scum supporters.


I dont think many people would disagree with your view about Messrs Choudary etc, but the problem with the EDL and the kind of demonstrations they organise, is that they further alienate rank and file Muslims who already are on their back feet.


The claims that EDL aren't anti Muslim may be genuine, but within their supporters are a significant (and visible) number who have an Islamophobic agenda, and that would be good enough reason alone for me to want to distance myself from them.


The irony here is that organisations like the EDL believe moderate Muslims should stand up against the extremists in their midst, yet the EDL do nothing about the extremists within theirs.

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The main problem with the EDL is that they're a bunch of football hooligans with a website.


Many EDL members are ex-BNP members and we all know how many sex offenders and paedophiles are in the bnp.


Scratch the surface of the EDL and a more sinister ideology begins to emerge. They claim that all people who attend a mosque should be ‘monitored for any radical inclination’. That isn’t targeting extremists. That is targeting all Muslims.


So much for the ‘philosophy’ of the EDL. We saw the reality in Bolton on Saturday, just as we did during a similar march in Manchester last October. A couple of thousand black-clad, angry men waving the St George Cross and preaching hate. An unholy alliance of far-right footsoldiers and former football hooligans with little to do on a Saturday since the game became an expensive, sit-down, ’sanitised’ affair. A group who have to be ordered, on their own website, not to sing offensive songs about Allah because it doesn’t suit the image they are trying – unsuccessfully – to build.


In Manchester, I saw one protester waving an Israeli flag while a second, marching behind, raised his arm in a Nazi salute. The terrible irony was clearly lost on both.






What a load of rubbish you don't even know what your talking about keep your stereotypical comments to yourself i am not a football hooligan or a BNP supporter so get your facts right before you start having a dig at people you don't even know.


My problem is with people like Zakir Naik Anjem Choudary they are scum of the earth! who should be locked up for life.

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What a load of rubbish you don't even know what your talking about keep your stereotypical comments to yourself i am not a football hooligan or a BNP supporter so get your facts right before you start having a dig at people you don't even know.


My problem is with people like Zakir Naik Anjem Choudary they are scum of the earth! who should be locked up for life.


I didn't say you were a bnp supporter.


I pointed out that by attending the protest you will rubbing shoulders with bnp paedophile scum:


BNP chief Nick Griffin shows his true colours - holding aloft the hand of a neo-Nazi paedophile.




TWO paedophiles jailed for sex attacks on schoolgirls last week are named on the leaked list of British National Party members, we can reveal.

Perverts Ian Richard Hindle, 32, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, plied two 14-year-olds with alcohol before subjecting them to sickening abuse.






Searchlight can exclusively reveal that the leader of the English Defence League is a former British National Party member who has served 12 months’ imprisonment for assaulting an off-duty police officer.


Self-proclaimed EDL leader Tommy Robinson is really Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, from Bedford.


In 2004 he joined the BNP with a family membership. In the same year he assaulted an off-duty police officer who intervened to stop a domestic incident between Yaxley-Lennon and his partner Jenna Vowles. During the scuffle Yaxley-Lennon kicked the officer in the head.


He was convicted on 18 April 2005 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months.


Vowles, also a BNP member, was cautioned for possession of cocaine. She told the court that the she found two empty bags in her house and was taking them out so that her parents did not find them.




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I dont think many people would disagree with your view about Messrs Choudary etc, but the problem with the EDL and the kind of demonstrations they organise, is that they further alienate rank and file Muslims who already are on their back feet.


The claims that EDL aren't anti Muslim may be genuine, but within their supporters are a significant (and visible) number who have an Islamophobic agenda, and that would be good enough reason alone for me to want to distance myself from them.


The irony here is that organisations like the EDL believe moderate Muslims should stand up against the extremists in their midst, yet the EDL do nothing about the extremists within theirs.


The EDL and Choudary and his supporters are the ugly sisters of intolerance. They have far more in common with each other then they do with the communities they purport to represent. To an extent they thrive of each other. Neither is willing to do anything to actually promote cohesion or recognise the positive contributions of other cultures. Actually they have had one positive effect - while the EDL were going on their last hate fueled jaunt around Dudley, by way of protest plenty of others of all faiths, races and persuasions met up to celebrate each others cultures. Well done the EDL!

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The EDL and Choudary and his supporters are the ugly sisters of intolerance. They have far more in common with each other then they do with the communities they purport to represent. To an extent they thrive of each other. Neither is willing to do anything to actually promote cohesion or recognise the positive contributions of other cultures. Actually they have had one positive effect - while the EDL were going on their last hate fueled jaunt around Dudley, by way of protest plenty of others of all faiths, races and persuasions met up to celebrate each others cultures. Well done the EDL!




Quoted for truth.


Rabid fundamentalist muslim loonies and EDL supporters are peas in a pod, both as mad and dangerous as each other.

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I didn't say you were a bnp supporter.


I pointed out that by attending the protest you will rubbing shoulders with bnp paedophile scum:


BNP chief Nick Griffin shows his true colours - holding aloft the hand of a neo-Nazi paedophile.




TWO paedophiles jailed for sex attacks on schoolgirls last week are named on the leaked list of British National Party members, we can reveal.

Perverts Ian Richard Hindle, 32, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, plied two 14-year-olds with alcohol before subjecting them to sickening abuse.






Searchlight can exclusively reveal that the leader of the English Defence League is a former British National Party member who has served 12 months’ imprisonment for assaulting an off-duty police officer.


Self-proclaimed EDL leader Tommy Robinson is really Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, from Bedford.


In 2004 he joined the BNP with a family membership. In the same year he assaulted an off-duty police officer who intervened to stop a domestic incident between Yaxley-Lennon and his partner Jenna Vowles. During the scuffle Yaxley-Lennon kicked the officer in the head.


He was convicted on 18 April 2005 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months.


Vowles, also a BNP member, was cautioned for possession of cocaine. She told the court that the she found two empty bags in her house and was taking them out so that her parents did not find them.






All the lads that i know who support the EDL don't like the BNP and do not want to be associated with them.


If you go on the EDL page on facebook you will see that the vast majority are against the BNP it's a minority that give the vast majority a bad name.


I am not a football hooligan or BNP supporter i am family man who has had enough of scum like Naik & Choudary takeing the mick out of our country! & taking the mick out of the benefits system that is what really grates with me especially as there are millions of hardworking familys struggling to make ends meet while vile scum like Choudary is living a cushy life! even though he hates our country & the way we live.:mad:


The EDL are the only ones to stand up to these vile scumbags our Government and the police won't do a damn thing about them even though they constantly abuse our troops threaten more terrorist attacks and threaten to kill us all! it's about time our Government stood up to them rather than sweeping these issues under the carpet then there would be no need for any demos.

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All the lads that i know who support the EDL don't like the BNP and do not want to be associated with them.


If you go on the EDL page on facebook you will see that the vast majority are against the BNP it's a minority that give the vast majority a bad name.


I am not a football hooligan or BNP supporter i am family man who has had enough of scum like Naik & Choudary takeing the mick out of our country! & taking the mick out of the benefits system that is what really grates with me especially as there are millions of hardworking familys struggling to make ends meet while vile scum like Choudary is living a cushy life! even though he hates our country & the way we live.:mad:


The EDL are the only ones to stand up to these vile scumbags our Government and the police won't do a damn thing about them even though they constantly abuse our troops threaten more terrorist attacks and threaten to kill us all! it's about time our Government stood up to them rather than sweeping these issues under the carpet then there would be no need for any demos.


Rather than spend a lot of time deconstructing your nonsense I'll just say you're ill-informed and completely naive. With any luck you'll educate yourself and grow out of it.

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