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EDL march - Bolton 20th March 2010

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And if they are, do you think rampaging through the streets and acting like thigs is going to help anyone in Iran?



Funnily enough I am familiar with the EDL ditty "If you build a mosque we'll burn it down". I don't recollect the line "But we'll make sure we get the women and children out first!"

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might need them...got the chance of two days filming in manchester playing a bookies minder....not have got that being a skinny bugger..:hihi::hihi:

dennis waterman wasnt that big :)


oh wait not that minder?

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They are scumbags - and you're publically supporting tossers who behave like this - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/8476873.stm



So are you calling me scum even though i am not a violent person i think you need to take your head from your rear end mate and get a grip not everyone who goes to the demo's are violent.


I support the EDL because i believe in the same values that they do, i don't care whether you or the other do gooders like my views or not if it was left upto you lot our country would be rife with scumbags like Naik & Choudary! and there supporters they are the real scumbags not us.

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Rather than spend a lot of time deconstructing your nonsense I'll just say you're ill-informed and completely naive. With any luck you'll educate yourself and grow out of it.


You need to get down of your high horse your just as arrogant on this forum as you are in person aren't you.


Who are you to say that i am ill-informed put it this way i know scum when i see it! why should i or any other English citizen regardless of race or religion put up with scum like these muslim extremeists who abuse our troops threaten to kill us & threaten threaten more terrorist attacks!.

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Mark, how is chucking bottles at the police helping matters?


They don't help matters at all i don't condone chucking bottles at police that is just asking for trouble, what people do have to realise though is when two groups of people who hate each other with a passion come together it's bound to get heated & people do lose there tempers it's a sad fact of life im afraid.


The police in this country have it easy to be honest because if this was in any other country they would have to deal with alot more than just bottles being thrown at them.

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what people do have to realise though is when two groups of people who hate each other with a passion come together it's bound to get heated & people do lose there tempers it's a sad fact of life im afraid.




The EDL hate coppers?


I'm not bothered by the police, they don't trouble me, I don't think lobbing bottles at them is making England a better place to live.

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Do you think the actions of the EDL are likely to promote good relations between communities or harm them? Or did you not think it through that far?


The ordinary law abiding muslim people shouldn't have a problem with the EDL protesting against the extremeists, the extremeists are the ones who are causing the problems between the two communities.


we have every right to voice our anger and have a demo against people like that being in our country do you think America or Australia would put up with people like this i think not.

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