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EDL march - Bolton 20th March 2010

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just reading an old bbc article about the EDl, heres a quote



""There are town centres now that are plagued by Islamic extremists," he says. "There are women who don't want to go shopping because there are 20 men in long Islamic dress shouting anti-British stuff and calling for a jihad and stirring up religious and racial hatred. Those are our town centres, and we want them back.


"We want them back, not from the Muslims, but from the jihadist extremists that are operating in the Muslim communities. And the Muslim communities need to deal with their extremists."


now im sorry, but apart from the minority of cases.....like the soldiers homecoming, i have NEVER seena group of islamic extremists stood in a shopping area shouting scum at people going about their business.

I see plenty of normal muslims going about their business, shopping and stuff

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There was a time when the UAF members would far outnumber those of the EDL. Now from the BBC report it seems the EDL are capable of bringing greater numbers of support.


Then when you look at the figures of those arrested. 31 UAF and 3 EDL, it would seem even though UAF had 33% less than the EDL their supporters, their members arrested was over 1000% of those EDL arrested.


I know this is an isolated case, but from this alone and if this trend continued, the EDL will vastly outnumber the UAF and anyone other similar organisation.


Could it be the UAF are helping increase the membership of the EDL?

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There was a time when the UAF members would far outnumber those of the EDL. Now from the BBC report it seems the EDL are capable of bringing greater numbers of support.


Then when you look at the figures of those arrested. 31 UAF and 3 EDL, it would seem even though UAF had 33% less than the EDL their supporters, their members arrested was over 1000% of those EDL arrested.


I know this is an isolated case, but from this alone and if this trend continued, the EDL will vastly outnumber the UAF and anyone other similar organisation.


Could it be the UAF are helping increase the membership of the EDL?


i read the bbc bit about numbers BUT

i myself just watched the live stream and strangely the left hand EDL side did look smaller than the right hand anti side

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i read the bbc bit about numbers BUT

i myself just watched the live stream and strangely the left hand EDL side did look smaller than the right hand anti side


The reports I have seen say UAF outnumber EDL 3 to 1. The pictures show the same.


The only way the BBC report can be accurate is if they are counting all the EDL not at the protest but drinking and causing trouble in town.

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The reports I have seen say UAF outnumber EDL 3 to 1. The pictures show the same.


The only way the BBC report can be accurate is if they are counting all the EDL not at the protest but drinking and causing trouble in town.


The numbers where from the police figures.


In the past they have usually been pretty accurate if not a bit conservative. Both sides will try to claim they had more support and that is why the police release their figures. I'm inclined to believe them. I take it you only believe the police when they back up your point but if they do not, they are wrong aren’t they :roll:


The only way the POLICE can be accurate is if they where there, unlike you.

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Two UAF are in hospital and it looks like the Polce are arresting peaceful protestors whilst EDL riot in the town centre.




Your link also contradicts your assertion that the UAF outnumbered the EDL by three to one, something you claim from looking at pictures :roll:


Police said there are 2,000 EDL protesters in the square, and around 1,500 from UAF.


You post a link to strengthen your position but it actually counters your other claims .. ironic huh?

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