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Nick Clegg praises Margaret Thatcher

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We are facing a general election shortly and a few of us try to remind people what an evil bunch the Tories are.


People like DragonofaNa are just loonies, with no social conscience, no compassion and a sort of twisted view of life. In a nut shell "clever b*gg*rs.

I hope they never need medical care or have to face up to a condition that could become terminal at any time. They wouldn't have the bottle.

The old saying "I'm alright Jack" springs to mind.


You're right, and I have represented many at tribunals who were on the wrong side. You know where I am if you need me.

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Yes - Nimrod and happyhippy - I must certainly be a loony because I dare to disagree with you two. Goodness - have I gone mad? How dare I have a different opinion and one that completely disagrees with you?

Who knows what will happen to the health service when the next party get into power? Never have been able to divine the future.

The last time I had a serious illness was while the conservatives were in power and I have no complaints about my treatment then.

And Nimrod - you are facing your condition and complaining about the services you receive under a labour government so your comment in support of this government that is failing you is really strange.

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Yes - Nimrod and happyhippy - I must certainly be a loony because I dare to disagree with you two. Goodness - have I gone mad? How dare I have a different opinion and one that completely disagrees with you?

Who knows what will happen to the health service when the next party get into power? Never have been able to divine the future.

The last time I had a serious illness was while the conservatives were in power and I have no complaints about my treatment then.

And Nimrod - you are facing your condition and complaining about the services you receive under a labour government so your comment in support of this government that is failing you is really strange.


I have no complaints about the actual surgery/treatment I got from the NHS, the Macmillan guys are Angels and the other teams are superb. The DWP is being investigated for choosing to disregard consultants reports, GP's medical certificates and recommendations and for being a law unto themselves. My complaints went to the very top, Yvette Cooper, Minister for Work and Pensions, and she was the least interested of the lot. She just referred me back to the DWP website where I had started from.

I trust the Tories even less, David Cameron's proposal that cancer patients NEED NOT have the right to see a specialist within 14 days sums it all up. Yvette Cooper is just lazy and needs a kick up the arse, the Tories dont care at all, they wish we would all go away and die and save the NHS millions, thus making it a more lucrative service to offer out to private contract. The Tories have never acted in the public interest, only the interests of their paymasters.

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I have no complaints about the actual surgery/treatment I got from the NHS, the Macmillan guys are Angels and the other teams are superb. The DWP is being investigated for choosing to disregard consultants reports, GP's medical certificates and recommendations and for being a law unto themselves. My complaints went to the very top, Yvette Cooper, Minister for Work and Pensions, and she was the least interested of the lot. She just referred me back to the DWP website where I had started from.

I trust the Tories even less, David Cameron's proposal that cancer patients NEED NOT have the right to see a specialist within 14 days sums it all up. Yvette Cooper is just lazy and needs a kick up the arse, the Tories dont care at all, they wish we would all go away and die and save the NHS millions, thus making it a more lucrative service to offer out to private contract. The Tories have never acted in the public interest, only the interests of their paymasters.


It does not matter who gets in, you can bet your boots that someone is going to suffer - and that someone is usually the working class smoker/drinker/driver who relies on the nhs.

I do not trust any politician, but in view of the title of this thread - at least with Margaret Thatcher you knew where you stood, even if it was in the dole queue. When she told you what she was going to do - she did it. Not like the current leaders who tell you they are going to do something and then find every excuse to backtrack.


I shall not be voting either conservative or labour. Sorted.

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I dont trust politicians either, but some I fear more than others. Maybe a hung Parliament with the liberals holding the balance could be a good thing.

But a Liberal party WITHOUT Nick Clegg. He's just a tory in disguise. Vince Cable would do the job far better, but 'ageism' reared its ugly head. I think Clegg will take the libs out into the political wilderness.

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