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Nick Clegg praises Margaret Thatcher

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The steel unions paid for an independent report to be made into how they could make the industry more profitable. This stated that it would make sense for the industry to go for more bespoke and not massproduction of previous years as companies abroad could do it cheaper. They had even found a market but this was ignored. I know this because I did a OU course about it. The Thatcher government actually tried to ban certain OU courses saying that they were communist propoganda.

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Guest sibon
he'll find out in a couple of weeks when he has to stand for election


He's just got one less vote. I can personally vouch for that.


As for Mrs Thatch. If she had been motivated by the need to modernise British industry, I could have possibly understood her actions. As it was, she clearly set out to destroy the NUM as an act of revenge for the 1973 strike. The result of her actions are plain to see in some of the more deprived areas of our city.


Make no mistake, the second and third generation unemployed here and elsewhere are her true legacy.


We are also in the middle of an energy crisis, yet we sit upon a massive coal resource. Most of the coal is vitually unobtainable now. Thanks Mrs T.


is what I will be doing if I live long enough.
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I was a child during Mrs T's years, so my opinion of her actions regarding the miners are based on books I've read since etc...


As I understand it, she wanted to close a handful of mines to make our coal more cost effective, due to the threat of cheaper imported coal.


The unions threatened to strike if she closed the few mines - she called their bluff, stood her ground, they went on strike, and as a result of their strike, they played right into her hands..


Please correct me if I'm wrong - I take an interest in local history and the above info was gleaned from a book actually written by a picket.

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