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Cool cars and new babies

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HELP! Just sold my 206 and still cant decide on the next one. (ive been deciding since jan) anyone got any suggestions, bearing in mind im due to drop soon, but want cool car and also need it for work in 6 months.

husband drives a family type car so does that mean i can have a little one?

Also, who knows about baby seats?

much appreciated!

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if you buy a pushchair that has a car seat that will sort that problem out, as for a new car my boyf and i in same position but i had my baby already we are looking for a new car too as theres 5 of us now. we are looking into buying a suitable car for us doesnt matter what type although i fancy having an RX8 car wow.:clap:


p.s whens the baby due??

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i wanted 2seater mg, as i can just fit buggy in boot. but my husband cant fit behind wheel ! would love 307cc but bit too expensive.

really not bothered about back seats as i get sick to death of giving people lifts all the time. just want room for me and baby.

i know ill end up with another 206 but really really want a soft top!!

anyone want to give me a SAAB 93 sports convert???


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Serious and dull advice but true... if you get a 2 seater it can't have an airbag on the passenger side. Apparently it could kill/injure a child if activated so not recommended.


There are some great websites Realmums/Bounty/Baby Centre that will have info.


And also make sure your pram/travel systen will fit in the boot. Sounds stupid but my mate had a little zip about as a 2nd car and was very limited to what they could buy pram wise....

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i thought all new cars had air bags both sides?? i know all peugeots do. mmmm food for thought though.

ok with pram side of things, got a chuck about small buggy (maclaren type thing) and a big pram for when i have hubs car. we ended up getting one of those bucket car seat up to 9 months which baby care world (very nice people on shalesmoor) fitted 4 us.

any ideas on BMW 3 series? they look safe and trusty and bit fancy.

until then, well be heading for the tram! at least ill walk off my excess and not give him ashma from air conditioning!

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really dont want epi, had a lumbar punc years ago 4 meningitus and had back prob for age after,,,sorta put me off epi. think ill be gasing and airing unless u know of any good alternatives?? been told to stay at home as long as, in a bath - not like i can drive there! hehe!

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