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Cool cars and new babies

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Originally posted by NatalieSheff

really dont want epi, had a lumbar punc years ago 4 meningitus and had back prob for age after,,,sorta put me off epi. think ill be gasing and airing unless u know of any good alternatives?? been told to stay at home as long as, in a bath - not like i can drive there! hehe!



Get a tens machine and use it from the early stages - dunno if it makes a difference but it gives you something to play with so takes your mind off it. Look on internet as you can buy them cheaper than hiring them.

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If you want a 2 seater get a 2 seater most modern cars have twin airbags which is a no no for baby seats but the good news is most modern cars also have the option of disabling the passenger air bag for this very reason!!


Good Luck with the birth and the purchase of a new 'fun' car!




Umbrella pushchairs should fit in a small boot....many are suitable from birth!

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leather for what? giving birth? was talking to a guy the other day about cars and he was trying to sell me one with all these fancy things in it, but i dont want a big car, dont want leather, dont want sports kit in car or 6 cd changer, im a simple girl really! just NEED air con and alloys thats it!

sod it, may go for a Rav 4! grrrrrr

ive heard about tens, you can hire em for £30/£40 for 4 weeks from mothercare i think. a friend has offered his and its worth £1000 - do you know what the difference is? they all do the same thing dont they, run electric currents thru ur body? does it hurt baby? or wake him up?

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I think they mean leather is best if you have youngsters in the car.....so easy to wipe the seats down...even if you ban all food and drink from the vehicle you'll still get baby sick everywhere from time to time!!


Oh..the joys of parenthood...:confused:

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ive seen the protector mats and plastic things u can get, think i may invest....

another reason i hate giving lifts as people make a mess of my car and let their kids get mud inside and sugar everywhere. at least if its my bambino ive only myself to blame.

other people kids drive me mad, but i suppose its the parents that are to blame. the amount of timesfriends have let their kids bang my doors against walls when getting out! i could scream!

dont buy a black car!

i really am leaning towards a porsche.... i wish

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I have found that the most important thing for me in buying a car after being a mum is space in the boot - boring I know, but essential..... once you have put the pram in, you need to be able to fit some shopping bags as well.... and some cars just have absolutely NO space in the back.


Good luck with your birth - hope it all goes well and your car purchase is a satisfying one! :clap:

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