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Anybody remember the real Bob Hudson?


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I once started a thread about 'Yorky' Smith, a fictional character on 'The Bill'. It seems he was played by the son of an old friend of mine, the real Bob Hudson. Anybody remember him? The last thing I remember about him is that he worked at Jacksons the tailors.

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He used to go into the Fiveways Motel at Owler Bar, as I remember him he had a bad leg. I thoought he was in the antique business. (I last saw him in 1976 so things have cjanged a lot).

I once started a thread about 'Yorky' Smith, a fictional character on 'The Bill'. It seems he was played by the son of an old friend of mine, the real Bob Hudson. Anybody remember him? The last thing I remember about him is that he worked at Jacksons the tailors.
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  • 11 months later...
He used to go into the Fiveways Motel at Owler Bar, as I remember him he had a bad leg. I thoought he was in the antique business. (I last saw him in 1976 so things have cjanged a lot).


Would Bob hudson be about 73-75 & did he go to Bents Green Open Air School & lived in the upperthorpe area.

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It's always sad when you hear of a friend who's died. You always want to turn back the clock to the last time you were with them. Bob was a friend of mine and he did me a big favor one time when I was struggling. I was grateful then and still am. He was a very funny guy and clever with it. He'd struggled with his disability from a kid and if that wasn't enough, he also suffered from asthma, so he had to have a sense of humour. I think he was born somewhere Scotland St way, some flats on the right hand side from West Bar Green. This is going back to the 50's. We'd gone to play records of 'Fats' Waller, we were both jazz fans. I think his mother still lived there. I remember it was him who turned me onto the burgeoning 'hard bop' scene back in the late 50's when I was still listening to a lot of West Coast music.

I suppose he had his faults, we all do, but he was a staunch kid and didn't forget his friends.The last time I saw him was in the early 60s, so a whole load of water has gone under the bridge since then so God Bless him.

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It's always sad when you hear of a friend who's died. You always want to turn back the clock to the last time you were with them. Bob was a friend of mine and he did me a big favor one time when I was struggling. I was grateful then and still am. He was a very funny guy and clever with it. He'd struggled with his disability from a kid and if that wasn't enough, he also suffered from asthma, so he had to have a sense of humour. I think he was born somewhere Scotland St way, some flats on the right hand side from West Bar Green. This is going back to the 50's. We'd gone to play records of 'Fats' Waller, we were both jazz fans. I think his mother still lived there. I remember it was him who turned me onto the burgeoning 'hard bop' scene back in the late 50's when I was still listening to a lot of West Coast music.

I suppose he had his faults, we all do, but he was a staunch kid and didn't forget his friends.The last time I saw him was in the early 60s, so a whole load of water has gone under the bridge since then so God Bless him.

Well said Texas i was a pal of Bob i went to school with him B.G.O.A. S. i mentioned this school in a earlie post i use't to see bob often, up to going in the army. Only met up with him once after coming out. Sorry he's no longer with us GREAT GUY R.I.P.

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That's very sad news to hear. Bob was one of the those fixtures of the Sheffield scene at one time, he seemed to be everywhere and everyone knew him. Latterly he seemed to be a fixture in Mr Kites, always had a quip and a smile for eveyone, was he the manager? He could be a sarky sod though :D


The last time I saw him he'd just bought a flat at Totley from a mutual friend and I 'lent' him an occasional/bedside table, it must be 25 years ago if not more. It had to be antique, to satisfy his taste. I realise now why I never got it back. Sorry to hear he's passed on, but we all have to go sometime, I suppose.

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He was a mate of Jeff Scholey, about whom a thread was submitted by myself a while back.

I remember Jeff telling me of the time that Bob and himself were walking down town and Bob saying to Jeff 'If you walked with one foot in the gutter you wouldn't be bobbing up and down so much.'

So Jeff obligingly went along with it and walked down town, as best he could, with one foot in the gutter to keep up with Bob's disability.

'That's better, said Bob. 'Now we're on one level, I wish everybody could walk like that.'

He was funny.

I remember he did a questionare to find his IQ level and it was quite high. I can't remember exactly where it was, but it was stratospheric.

I don't think he was sarcastic so much as cynical, Rubyd.

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