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Trade plate driving

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I think that gone are the days of lone female scantily clad hitchhikers who fit the male fantasy dream stereotype. We all need to be aware of our own safety. Which then makes me wonder about the safety of Trade Plate hitch hikers. Is a risk assessment done by the company for this? Are the trade plate companies insured for the safety of their staff members who have to make their own way back in company time who are potentially exposing themselves to danger out there at the side of the road?

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Trade plate driving is an awful job. You are expected to foot the first float of £200 and reimbersed after 2 weeks you are constantly out of pocket. The £200 is for your travel arrangements and accom, how far and how many trips do you think that will get you. After the 200 is gone thats when you need to start hitching. Oh and dont forget the deadline penalties too when you cant meet the deadline cos your travel for the week has cost you £300 (a normal weeks wage) and no one has stopped to give you a lift. When you finally arrive at your job to find that they have given it to someone else cos you are late and stopping 20% of your wages for admin expenses. Hope you enjoy your new job but not in trade plate driving.

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hi there, anybody ever done trade plate driving delivering cars etc all over the country.


ime looking for a job at present and this type of work is something i have been interested in doing before but been put off by tales of-


long hours

bad pay

having to hitch hike back to base in all weathers and not being paid for it

having to do it self employed


i love driving and this job might be up my street but does anyone know what its really like to do, if you do would you let me know what the pros and cons are please.

also is there any decent companies in sheffield that employ trade plate drivers and what are they like to work for, good or bad etc.


any info would be greatly appreciated, cheers




Hi,Idid some delivery work a few years ago but I was employed by a dealer which wasnt bad, everything was covered. I did pick up self employed and agency drivers who all mentioned the downside as quoted by you. I would suggest that you are very careful what you take on. I know things are bad but there must be something better out there.and I would add no matter how much you enjoy driving it soon gets tedious when you have a time factor,oh and by the way if you get nicked for a traffic offence it is on you shoulders and license

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i recently started working for a company that does this work,, im not self employed i work for the company direct, they pay all travel expenses, althought there is a bit of walking involved to get you to a bus or train station, most companys do pay expenses its the actual driver that decides to hitch a lift so as to save the expense money

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