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Tories 'airbrushed' ethnic minority candidates from campaign leaflets

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Apologise for what? below is the OP of a thread you started:


I've heard this term relating to the standard of taxi driving in Sheffield.

Is there a problem with taxi drivers in this city or are they like it everywhere, including Islamabad?





On another thread 'How Snig Hill got it's name' you gave some long winded

'joke' in which you referred to black people with the N word. Your contribution was removed after I complained.



If you don't want to be labelled a racist, don't behave like one.

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Point 1. Wrong interpretation.


Point2. Wrong person.


Then go ask somebody what "nuance" means. Try boyfriday, he should be able to help you.


Then man up and apologise.



Point 1. Would be prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt if it wasn't for no2.


Point 2. LIAR.

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Whats difficult to understand is how you can manage to confuse the issues so much. The Left - Right political spectrum does not end with the word "Racist."


Nope, those two rags are right wing, bordering on racist - Political ideas described as 'Right Wing' throughout history have encompassed many strict and often unpleasant ideologies, including racism... I hope that this clears my original point up for you?

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Nope, those two rags are right wing, bordering on racist - Political ideas described as 'Right Wing' throughout history have encompassed many strict and often unpleasant ideologies, including racism... I hope that this clears my original point up for you?


Bordering racist? Either it is or it isn't.

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Hoon was shamed weeks back, when he was shown that he'd stab his own party in the back... Probably tried to get a few quid in the bank from his contacts when he twigged he was going to out in the cold... Every work place has a snidey git like him, and we know that all parties have them too... The Torys should go steady thinking this is a slur on Labour - they have had plenty the same in the past and will do again in the future!

It's no use making out Hoon as some kind of black sheep, it still doesn't detract from this pisspoor attempt by Labour to deflect a modicum of attention from the embarassing behaviour of three former cabinet ministers (including the man who held the nuclear release codes at one point)).


It's not just Hoon who's out in the cold.


I never thought I'd see the day when Labour gave the Tories a run for their money on the sleaze ticket, but they haven't disappointed, and have exceeded the venality and mendacity of the government they replaced.


Exceeded it many times over.


Labour supporters who cannot see that their parliamentary party is rotten to the core need their olfactory senses testing.

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Nope, those two rags are right wing, bordering on racist - Political ideas described as 'Right Wing' throughout history have encompassed many strict and often unpleasant ideologies, including racism... I hope that this clears my original point up for you?


There have been some quite "strict" left wing regimes haven't there now? Does the USSR ring any bells - Stalin wasn't exactly soft, or the Khmer Rouge, or Pol Pot, or Saddam Hussain, or Cuba or Albania or Burma or or the peoples republic of China or . . . . the National SOCIALISTS in Germany . . . the list of cruel and unpleasant left wingers had pervaded through history like a revolting puss-filled boil.


Yes there have been some unpleasant right wing regimes - but none of these bears anny semblance to the Conservative party in Britain. To pretend that the tories are anything like these regimes is at best misguided of you and more likely disingenuous.

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