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Tories 'airbrushed' ethnic minority candidates from campaign leaflets

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There have been some quite "strict" left wing regimes haven't there now? Does the USSR ring any bells - Stalin wasn't exactly soft, or the Khmer Rouge, or Pol Pot, or Saddam Hussain, or Cuba or Albania or Burma or or the peoples republic of China or . . . . the National SOCIALISTS in Germany . . . the list of cruel and unpleasant left wingers had pervaded through history like a revolting puss-filled boil.


Yes there have been some unpleasant right wing regimes - but none of these bears anny semblance to the Conservative party in Britain. To pretend that the tories are anything like these regimes is at best misguided of you and more likely disingenuous.


And you are an idiot who cannot or will not differentiate between regimes that might call themselves socialist and the actual political philosophy.

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And you are an idiot who cannot or will not differentiate between regimes that might call themselves socialist and the actual political philosophy.


I shall ignore the raw insults. . . deep breath . . . . so show me a successful socialist panacea (sp?) somewhere in the world that hasn't had to degrade into a totalitarian state to keep the population from succeeding and making money and rejecting their "socialist principles".

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Mrs Thatcher used to say that she enjoyed it when people resorted to insults because it proved they had lost the argument and realised that they were wrong.


Well you'd know:


We all know the Tories hate ethic minorities, gays, single mothers,the homeless, the unemployed, and anybody who votes Labour. They are in every sense of the word, the Nasty Party
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I see this thread keeps getting pulled back to the insult flinging by one side of the political spectrum.



Indeed Loopy Luton:


Your earlier riposte:

'Because the only insult you have for anyone who disagrees with you is to call them racist ... you really are a prize pillock'


let he who is without sin......

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Indeed Loopy Luton:


Your earlier riposte:

'Because the only insult you have for anyone who disagrees with you is to call them racist ... you really are a prize pillock'


let he who is without sin......


I’m dumbfounded you keep pushing this thread to the top of the forum.


You calling everyone with a different opinion to you ‘racist’ are plain stupid at best. My calling you a prize pillock is merely an observation concluded from the previous statement.

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I’m dumbfounded you keep pushing this thread to the top of the forum.


You calling everyone with a different opinion to you ‘racist’ are plain stupid at best. My calling you a prize pillock is merely an observation concluded from the previous statement.



Your point 1) Haven't you done just that?


2) I am not calling everyone with a different opinion to me as racist. I said that the the grass roots Tory members are (a generalisation but in my experience a valid one) and I called a certain member of the forum one, which I was able to back-up with evidence.

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