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Yew tree inn is it chavy?


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I live up the road from there and every time I go past there seems to be a bunch of slightly chavvy-looking types (a lot of them looking very young to be in a pub!) out the front having a smoke. Never particularly had an issue with them, although I rarely walk past that way to Hillsborough, I only usually go that way if I'm in the car. I like this area, as someone said above, it has great transport links, is really close to the countryside if you want to get out of the city, and the people around here are generally pretty nice.

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  • 1 year later...
Went to look at a house to buy near the Yew tree inn nr loxley road the other day and my boyfriend had abuse shouted at him from people outside the pub. This has kind of put us off the area. Wondering if anyone could tell me what the pub/area is normally like?


There's no need for that kind of behaviour. It's far better to have abuse shouted at you in the warmth and comfort of the pub. Just politely question the landlady trying to sell you a drink you didn't order and attempting to charge you over £4 for two halves and wait for her to push her face into yours and bellow "Have you got a problem with my f****** establishment?".

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