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Should smokers be allowed to adopt or foster kids?

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is this thread not supposed to be about whether a smoker should be allowed to foster children? There are lots of things in life that are bad for you - the FACt is that smoking does not make you a bad parent

Neither does being a paedophile. Paedophiles love children.:rolleyes:

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I've known 2 people die of lung cancer, neither smoked, both were physically fit and both died before the age of 50. Now tell me that smoking kills!

Smoking does not kill.


The effects of smoking kills.


Were those 2 people (...what a remarkably huge sample, by the way. Kudos on your research ability...) never subjected to passive smoking in their short lives?

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The evidence is clearly not conclusive, especially as hydrogen peroxide is a common in bleach and also used in Hospitals by medical profession.


Did I mention I studied chemestry? :hihi:

Fallacious argument from authority, much?


Did I mention my real name is Steven Hawking, the well respected physicist?


Prove I'm wrong.

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If you can be assured that a child is not going to be put at risk in any way by a smoking couple, then they should be able to adopt too.

We finally agree on something!:o


So now show that the child is not put at risk, and you may have a point.

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Jay Gordon, MD



Posted February 16, 2009 | 01:23 AM (EST)


"There Is No Proof that Cigarettes Cause Cancer"


It took fifty years before the courts finally acknowledged that cigarette smoking causes cancer.


There were billions of dollars at stake.


The dozens of court decisions that there "was no proof" were supported by physicians, expert witnesses of all types and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on attorneys.


Experts and doctors alike stated over and over again that we need not continue studying this issue because there was just no proof.



At least I can't accuse you of arguing from authority here. A paediatrician declares there is no proof that cigarettes cause cancer.


When I need a heart transplant, I'll insist that a carpenter performs the operation!:hihi:

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