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Should smokers be allowed to adopt or foster kids?

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I think it's probably wrong. Air pollution is arguably a more serious threat to children's health than passive smoking but you don't hear the govt' or the RCP pontificating about it.
I don't disagree, but the additional exposure that children of smokers are subject to is probably what tips the scales and affects their health so badly. I usually get a sore throat and a niggly little cough whilst in close proximity to people smoking.


I used to smoke and so did many of my friends at the time. The kids were often ill with chesty coughs and ear infections, although no asthma or allergies. Looking back on it, when I stopped smoking, and stopped other people smoking indoors, the incidence of that sort of thing did drop noticeably. It might have been coincidence, of course, but I tend to think it wasn't.


Mea culpa! Something else to feel guilty about! :rolleyes:

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When I was a lad you could cut smog with a blunt knife and eat it for yer tea - and a proper treat it was too. Back in them days smoking was the done thing by a big majority of addicts. Just added to the flavour of the smog brew.


Nowt wrong with a bit of fag smoke to help you choke up the rubbish you've been inhaling all day whilst cycling behind one of them mucky buses.

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Many kids have grown up from smoking families, what is the difference between, smoking and all the air pollution that we have to put up with.


Lots of difference!



Anti smoking is the new Fad, its the new "Shock horror" thing to take the attention away from more depressing things. As long as people are having a pop at the smokers then they arent worrying about real things like environmental problems caused by traffic and factories and the crime rate and how twisted the governments are.


People fall for it. Thats the tragedy.


We KNOW its bad for us, but the hysteria is being heightened to a ridiculous new level and the hysterical fall for it while at the same time inhale the lovely diesel fumes that clog our towns and citys.


Its a fad, it`ll pass once they find something else to squeak about or until reality hits them so hard they`ll HAVE to concentrate on the saner stuff.

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Lots of difference!



Anti smoking is the new Fad, its the new "Shock horror" thing to take the attention away from more depressing things. As long as people are having a pop at the smokers then they arent worrying about real things like environmental problems caused by traffic and factories and the crime rate and how twisted the governments are.


People fall for it. Thats the tragedy.


We KNOW its bad for us, but the hysteria is being heightened to a ridiculous new level and the hysterical fall for it while at the same time inhale the lovely diesel fumes that clog our towns and citys.


Its a fad, it`ll pass once they find something else to squeak about or until reality hits them so hard they`ll HAVE to concentrate on the saner stuff.


Well said, totally agree:D

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Many kids have grown up from smoking families, what is the difference between, smoking and all the air pollution that we have to put up with.


One of them is currently unavoidable and the other is inflicted on some children by the people who are supposed to care for them.

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Cars arent unavoidable, Theyre far from it in fact. Especially the huge 4X4s that belch out crap as their owners drive their kids to school in them.


As well as banning fags, lets go the whole hog and ban private vehicals. I`m sure the money made by all those fare paying passengers could be ploughed into better and cleaner forms of public transport and save the environment!


Say no... and give me some great reasons why! :D

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Unless you can run public transport to every house, from every possible destination, 24 hours a day, then it can't provide the service that is needed.

I'd go to work on public transport if it wouldn't take me 3 hours instead of 1 and most people are probably the same.


What's the phrase though for this, it's not false dichotomy, it's false something else. The two issues are completely unrelated and one of them we can do something about.

The fact that we can't remove car pollution is no reason to subject children who are wards of the state to being brought up with additional poisonous chemicals being blown in their face.

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90% of the population can walk to a bus stop, 100% can get a taxi or some other form of transport that isnt their own vehicle.


I know people with smashed spines in wheelchairs that they have to operate with their tongues who dont own their own car and they get on fine.


Theres no excuse, the private motor car is the main polluter and can be eliminated from society.

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Instead of picking on the smoker, who in most cases smoke because of advertising and the tobacco companies who sell tobacco to them, why dont we target our snobbery and misplaced bile onto the governments and these companys?


People are addicted to nicotine and thats not an easy drug to come off of, but its nice and easy to peer down our noses at these people- theyre a nice scapegoat for all our nasty little neuroses and the best thing is they cant hit back.


Now, if we discussed drug users or alcoholics in the same way there`d be an outcry- even if we talked about people with lots of tattooes in the same way we talk about smokers then someone would step forward and say `Oh hold on a bit!`, but the smoker...? We can tear them to bits with no repercussions.



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