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Child forced to join in act of worship.

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No it isn't. It's precisely what your debate is about.. Why the child should join the hymn singing.


You are going round in circles as you did with redwhine.


I consider Bloomdido has done the right thing by not kicking up a fuss at school.


Let's all join in - Onwards Christian soldiers marching on .........

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What is there to respect about religion? It breeds in people like a virus and causes division and hatred at worst and people doing good things for poor people at best.


How can I value the judgement of any intelligent person who professes to believe in invisible magic friends? I know several people who believe in a god and they know that I don't. We just don't go there.


And it's not just me that thinks the crucifixion is torture porn.


Are we going off topic again?


As usual the misunderstanding is due to semantics. :)


I respect the rights of people to hold their own views. I may not agree with them but I respect the right of people to have their own opinions and that goes for you, even though I think you are wrong. :)


Perhaps it would be good if you respected my right to hold my own opinions. If you don't then you are being intolerant.


Please remember that Jesus was crucified by his intolerant enemies and you appear to fall into the same category.

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You did more than compare them. You claimed they were exactly the same.

Post 304/ first entry.

It would be very helpful if you could learn to use the quote function.


I'll go back another couple of posts to give some background...


The teacher having over stepped the mark would be the one having to defend their actions to the school board, not the child.


After the fact, maybe. If someone is murdered, ought their relatives be perfectly happy as long as the murderer is gaoled in the end?:loopy:


I would imagine the relatives would take some satisfaction from it, although, that's a little extreme isn't it?.


And post 304...




It was designed to be so. As it is exactly the same in principle, it illustrates the absurdity of your point.

(My bold/red.)


Thankyou for making my point so eloquently. I quite clearly said that they are the same in principle.


I cannot be accountable for your ignorance of the English language if you insist on translating that into, 'You did more than compare them. You claimed they were exactly the same.' I did not compare the two situations at all. At least now you have shown me where you made your error, 'though I'm still at a loss as to why.


I'll reply to the rest of your post when I can be bothered to fix your quotation errors.

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Why are pataschio nuts more expensive than peanuts ?

Because it costs money to educate people who cannot spell pistachio nuts, and peanuts are not really nuts anyhow; they're legumes.

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Because it costs money to educate people who cannot spell pistachio nuts, and peanuts are not really nuts anyhow; they're legumes.

But that doesn't really answer the question. Substitute Brazil nuts if you like for peanuts.

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