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Child forced to join in act of worship.

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Find out about the divinity of Jesus.


You would crucify (kill) Christianity today if you could.


We know the cross is a barbaric instrument of torture. It was used by BARBARIANS on a beautiful lovely person about whom Pilot admitted he could find no fault.


You continue to find fault where none can be found. You are as bad as the Romans and the Jews.


You are one totally ignorant person.


I've said this in the past to another poster on here, but it's worth repeating I think.


When I was a little kid, my dad bought me a train set. I was so eager to get it out of the box and fit all the track together, I just couldn't wait.


I loved that little train, and how it was so reliable, chugging around on the track (not very long because we couldn't afford much at the time.) It's bringing tears to my eyes now, just remembering the joy it brought me.


And it reminds me of you. It was also just going round in circles, and it was, just like you, a wind up. :|

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You are going round in circles as you did with redwhine.


I consider Bloomdido has done the right thing by not kicking up a fuss at school.


Let's all join in - Onwards Christian soldiers marching on .........

My bold.


What am I expected to do.. agree with you both and move on?

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It would be very helpful if you could learn to use the quote function.


I'll go back another couple of posts to give some background...








And post 304...



(My bold/red.)


Thankyou for making my point so eloquently. I quite clearly said that they are the same in principle.


I cannot be accountable for your ignorance of the English language if you insist on translating that into, 'You did more than compare them. You claimed they were exactly the same.' I did not compare the two situations at all. At least now you have shown me where you made your error, 'though I'm still at a loss as to why.


I'll reply to the rest of your post when I can be bothered to fix your quotation errors.

Do you suffer from selective memory?. I'm well aware of what you said, and what was meant. I have already made you aware of this, so what's with the wordplay?.


Shall I tell you what I find strange?.. I find it strange that after stating several times that teachers have "authority", and it is this "authority" that you believe makes "being forced" to sing hymns at a church wedding a completely different matter to "being forced" to sing hymns in school, simply because vicar's do not have any "authority" over their guests, whereas teachers do have "authority" over their pupils.


You later refute my implication that 'you appear to be suggesting that "vicar's" have less authority than teachers to force hymn singing. You refute this dispite your earlier claim that the two situations are completely different matters due to vicar's having no "authority" over their guests.


You then go on to say that niether the teacher nor the vicar have the "authority" to force someone to sing hymns, despite previously claiming this is all about "authority":confused:


How can this be all about "authority", if niether have the "authority"?


How can "authority" make the two situations completely different matters, if niether have the "authority"? .. what you're saying doesn't make any sense.

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I've said this in the past to another poster on here, but it's worth repeating I think.


When I was a little kid, my dad bought me a train set. I was so eager to get it out of the box and fit all the track together, I just couldn't wait.


I loved that little train, and how it was so reliable, chugging around on the track (not very long because we couldn't afford much at the time.) It's bringing tears to my eyes now, just remembering the joy it brought me.


And it reminds me of you. It was also just going round in circles, and it was, just like you, a wind up. :|


I have lost count the number of times I have replied to someone and then the very next day someone else comes up with the same thing. I am sure they don't read the posts and that means I have to treat everyone as an individual and respond to them as and when it becomes necessary with the result that I do keep repeating myself and I do get a little tired of it myself I admit. However it is the same in the computer section when the same questions keep getting asked, it is the same in the letters page in magazines and it is the same on here when people start a new thread that has been done time and time again.


So yes, you are correct in as much as we do go round in circles but as I say that is due to the repetitive nature of the posts, but who knows one day we may be able to get out of the shunting yard and onto the main line, but before that can happen people need a change of heart in order to move forward, so God willing, here's hoping. :thumbsup:

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My son is eleven and he doesn't have any belief in a god. We got on to the subject of school assembly the other day and I said that if he didn't want to join in the singing of hymns, then he didn't have to. His response was that the teacher would tell him to sing and this has indeed happened after he took my advice.


I don't want to suggest that he doesn't attend assembly but I am livid that some control freak can order him to sing a song about some bloke riding into town on a donkey.


Am I over reacting?


When religious people die they shut their mouths, that is good news for the



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Talking of spelling why do you spell Jesus as Jeebus and Bible as Babble ?


Probably for a similar reason to me using the words 'catherlic' and 'poap'.


But why do it ?


'Jeebus', 'babble', 'catherlic', 'poap', 'Xtian'.


As far as I can tell it's a rather childlike attempt to illustrate the contempt some posters hold other's faith in; similar I guess to the useage of 'Bliar', Nu Labore etc.


I think it makes those that use them look infantile.

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